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Environmental Program Evaluation Topical Interest Group 2010 Business Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Program Evaluation Topical Interest Group 2010 Business Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Program Evaluation Topical Interest Group 2010 Business Meeting

2 Topics for Discussion EPE Updates AEA 2011 Election of TIG Leadership Other business?

3 EPE TIG Membership

4 EPE Updates EPE hosted AEA365 Blog: EarthWeek - Environmental Evaluators Network, EEN June, 2011: 5 th meeting in DC June, 2011: 6 th meeting in DC Canadian EEN

5 Survey Respondents (N=21)

6 % time devoted to evaluation Number respondents none1 <25%2 25 - 49%1 50 - 74%6 75 - 100%11 4 out of 5 respondents spend at least 50% of their time doing evaluation work.

7 Evaluations of Conservation Biology (28%) –Ecological monitoring and assessment –Human dimensions of resource management Evaluations of Environmental Policy and Management (66%) –Understanding policy effectiveness and environmental outcomes –Program and policy implementation Evaluations of Environmental Education (57%) –Environmental Education in public and private school settings, and/or non-formal settings –Educational impacts of environmental education on learning Evaluations of Energy Programs (24%) –Energy efficiency & conservation –Implementation and adoption of practices Evaluations of International/Global Issues (38%) - Education and will-building in support of environmental issues - Climate change practices, policies; International treaties, consortiums

8 Other topical areas suggested Environmental Justice and Advocacy Evaluation of climate change Evaluation of urban/infrastructure programs Evaluation of sustainable development

9 Other useful resources: Publications Journal of Environmental Education Journal of Science Education American Journal of Evaluation New Directions in Evaluation

10 Other useful resources: Websites MEERA Environmental Evaluators Network Listserve Global Environment Facility Evaluation Office, UNDP evaluation office, OECD DAC

11 Other useful resources: Organizations SEER PEEC Environmental Evaluators Network UNEP UNDP AESP CEEIC NFWF

12 What would you like the EPE TIG to do? Discussions of how to bridge natural and social science gap Discussions of practical issues, constraints & case studies of environmental program evaluations Address ability of evaluators without university connection to access journals How to work with local stakeholders on results- based monitoring, evaluation & management

13 What would you like the EPE TIG to do? Discussions of environmental ethics, advocacy Create methodological thematic practice areas Discussions of methodological challenges unique to environmental programs, e.g. biological time frame vs. program life; access to samples, etc. Highlight issues shared across environmental sectors Share resources, tools, databases

14 Suggestions for Networking in EPE TIG Searchable member directory: to find local mentors, collaborators, advisors Communications via listserve LinkedIn group Webinars on topics relevant to EPE Library of resources, including tools & reports Field trips Summary from Johanna on existing resources

15 New trends, Emerging Themes & Hot topics Evaluations of Conservation Biology Evaluations of Environmental Policy and Management Evaluations of Environmental Education Evaluations of Energy Programs Evaluations of International/Global Issues

16 AEA 2011: Anaheim, CA Proposal Review Process –Proposals due online ~March 17 –Early April: AEA sends proposals to program chair: Sends mis-directed proposals back to AEA Sends out proposals to (3) reviewers –Late April: reviews returned to Program Chair; TIG leadership conference call to discuss nominating proposals to AEA –May 1: TIG leadership sends “workbook” to AEA –Early July: AEA notifies authors of acceptance Reviewer Volunteers? Field trip ideas?

17 Electing TIG Leadership Program Chair/Co-Chair TIG Chair

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