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English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Tuesday, 4-7-15 Why is education (formal and informal) important? What should every student know and.

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Presentation on theme: "English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Tuesday, 4-7-15 Why is education (formal and informal) important? What should every student know and."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Tuesday, 4-7-15 Why is education (formal and informal) important? What should every student know and be able to do when she/he graduates from high school? Counting Today: 38 School Days!!

2 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Wednesday, 4-8-15 “I believe…” State at least 6 “I believe” statements about teaching and learning Counting Today: 37 School Days!!

3 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Thursday, 4-9-15 Return to your notes of the readings you have had this semester. Which author is your favorite and tell why. Counting Today: 36 School Days!!

4 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Friday, 4-19-15 “Education is….” Create 4 quotable statements about education… What SHOULD education be? Counting Today: 35 School Days!!

5 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 What How Why

6 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Why How What

7 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Situation and Task: The Boyd County Public Schools system desires to create, implement, and maintain a quality educational experience in which every member of the BCPS system (students, parents, teachers, administrators, school board, etc.) plays a vital role in the stated vision, mission, and values. To this end, you are charged with assessing and evaluating current policies and practices to determine their effectiveness in achieving the stated vision, mission, and values. Once assessing and evaluating these current policies and practices, you are to design an educational experience of your own.

8 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Procedures: 1.You may work in a small group (no more than 5) or individually 2.Together or individually, you are to create an entire school experience 3.You should start from scratch, although you may build upon policies and practices you deem to be effective 4.At some point, you must connect your ideas to the ideas of the authors we have read; you may bring in other research material 5.You will create a presentation for the class (corporately) and smaller research-based products (individually)

9 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 In your groups or individually, create a vision and/or mission statement… this should be what you want to work toward creating, not what is currently in place… feel free to incorporate and/or reject ideas from what you have read this semester What should be the purpose of education? Why does the school system exist? Why do we do the things we do?

10 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Now, assess the current vision, mission, and values of BCPS : VISION: The Leader In Learning MISSION: "Boyd County Public School District employees are committed to create an environment of high expectations, to engage every student in work reflecting a high achievement level and to work collaboratively with students, colleagues, families and our community to ensure student learning. This commitment guides our every decision and establishes our priorities.“

11 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 VALUES: ¨ We will invest in quality personnel who take responsibility for student success and failure. ¨ We will identify the essential learning goals and help each student to achieve those goals. ¨ We will teach for understanding, frequently assessing students' understanding and providing a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery. ¨ We will work collaboratively in developing instructional strategies, designing methods of assessment, and advancing the vision of the district.

12 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 VALUES: (continued) ¨ We will involve our families and our community in the learning process by creating shared learning experiences. ¨ We will be models of the life-long learning and commitment to high- quality work that we hope to develop in our students. ¨ We will monitor the results of our individual and collective efforts and use evidence of results to celebrate accomplishments and guide our processes of continuous improvement. ¨ We will identify and provide opportunities for our students to experience and value diversity in a diverse global society.

13 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Wednesday, 4-8-15 By the end of class, each group or individual will submit a vision, mission, and values statement that will become the foundation for your work over the next two weeks

14 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Why How What

15 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Wednesday, 4-8-15 Vision: a brief, comprehensive statement about you believe about teaching and learning… the one thing you want others to believe when they think of BCPS Mission: a 2 to 3 sentence explanation of the vision… this statement should serve as the foundational philosophical position of everyone who is involved in the BCPS educational experience Values: a list of 6 to 10 values, or beliefs, that will be demonstrated by everyone who is involved in the BCPS educational experience Why How What

16 AuthorBasic Belief SenecaThe Pursuit of wisdom sets us free - this pursuit establishes our humanity – we become virtuous through lifelong learning Al-GhazaliTeachers and Students have equal responsibilities in teaching and learning – these mutual responsibilities lead us to wisdom WollstonecraftEducation should be for all, regardless of race, class, gender – values are transmitted through education – all voices must be considered New England PrimerEducation is the primary means for transmitting cultural morals and values – wisdom comes through devotion to a corporate morality DouglassReading and writing empowers us to free ourselves – avoiding education leads to slavery (physical, emotional, intellectual, etc.) NewmanThe pursuit of knowledge for its own sake separates us from the lower creation – the pursuit of knowledge is its own end FreireEducation must reject the Banking Concept and foster inquiry – this inquiry is rooted in an equality between teacher and student FeynmanStudents must take control of their own learning through inquiry – the simple learning of facts and processes is not education OkakokEducators must be sensitive to the cultural differences in students – the entire community must participate in the educational process

17 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Thursday, 4-9-15 By the end of the period, connect your vision, mission, and values statement to its sources (readings, experience, etc.)

18 English 100 Tuesday, 4-7-15 through Friday, 4-10-15 Choose one education quote and decorate Must be at least 3 colors !! Sign Your Nam e!! Fill the Page!! Tape to the Wall in the Hall

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