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Dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 1 Measuring Environmental Impacts David Mell Knowledge Manager – NERIP Conversation with NERIP, 7 November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 1 Measuring Environmental Impacts David Mell Knowledge Manager – NERIP Conversation with NERIP, 7 November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 1 Measuring Environmental Impacts David Mell Knowledge Manager – NERIP Conversation with NERIP, 7 November 2007

2 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 2 Measuring Environmental Impacts

3 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 3 Problem? What Problem? …

4 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 4 … the shape of the regional economy is changing Percentage of North East GVA Manu- facturing Public Sector Business Services Tourism, Transport, Distribution Con- struction Primary Manufacturing accounting for less Services accounting for more

5 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 5 Production and Consumption Perspectives Place of Production Place of Consumption UKAbroad UK Abroad Goods and services produced and consumed in UK Imports: consumed in UK, produced elsewhere Exports: produced in UK, consumed elsewhere Rest of the World Consumption Focus Production Focus  Complementary perspectives  Production: Efficiency, technology, etc  Consumption: Behaviour, lifestyles, etc  REAP: Addresses the consumption perspective

6 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 6 UK CO 2 Emissions Understanding whether numbers are quoted from a production or consumption perspective is vital

7 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 7 Ecological Footprint The land area required to provide continuously all the natural resources and services for the consumption of a given population wherever that land might be Measured in global hectares per capita (gha/cap)

8 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 8 Comparative Ecological Footprints  W Europe5.1gha/cap  UK: 5.4gha/cap  USA:9.5gha/cap  China:1.5gha/cap  World: Supply1.8gha/cap Demand2.2gha/cap

9 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 9 The challenge for regional development

10 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 10 Overview of  Resources and Energy Analysis Program  Key outputs Ecological Footprint (gha/capita) Carbon Footprint (tonnes CO2/capita)  Based on detailed analysis of how the UK economy works  Has a consumption focus  Can be used to make environmental assessments of policy  Developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute WWF and SCP-Net are key partners

11 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 11 REAP User Interface NE Footprint = 5.185 gha/cap Final demands of the economy

12 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 12 Footprints can be disaggregated by type of consumption

13 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 13 Using REAP as an interactive database  Explore footprints by geography  Explore components of footprints

14 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 14 North East Household Footprint: Top 10 Sources

15 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 15 Consumption behaviour is measured using over 100 separate variables

16 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 16 We can explore policy options by creating scenarios …. Modify one or more consumption behaviour variables

17 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 17 … and looking at the impacts

18 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 18 Key points  REAP measures impact of consumption behaviour Outputs: footprint measures (CO 2, ecological) Inputs: consumption behaviour (~100 variables)  Policy scenarios Views of how consumption behaviour might change in response to policy interventions Effect of such changes on footprint measures  The holy alliance Policy wonks and modelling nerds

19 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 19 But does this mean anything in the real world ?  Examples of REAP in action Evaluation of housing policy: Leeds City Region Tees Valley Footprint Report Evaluation of impact of regional strategies on climate change: Y&H Assembly Up and coming: evaluation of sustainable transport policy  Consumption perspective (REAP) Influencing individual behaviour Regional vs local roles  Production perspective Other tools: REEIO, development of regional environmental accounts (DUBS Model)

20 dd/mm/yyyyyRef/TitleSlide 20 Measuring Environmental Impact Regional stages of development  Stage 1: Awareness Aware of need to engage with tools like REAP and REEIO Cautious policy users, sometimes frustrated technical users Evaluations contracted out  Stage 2: Stepping Forward Policy and technical users starting to work together Developing evidence base that is influencing key regional documents Clear home for the evidence base agreed  Stage 3: The confidently capable region Policy users can frame ideas in terms of “evidence base” Technical users extending/developing the “evidence base”

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