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Welcome.  New Curriculum implemented in 2014.  Mastery  Assessing without levels – Y1E, Y1D, Y1S.  Higher expectations  Depth and breadth. The Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome.  New Curriculum implemented in 2014.  Mastery  Assessing without levels – Y1E, Y1D, Y1S.  Higher expectations  Depth and breadth. The Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2  New Curriculum implemented in 2014.  Mastery  Assessing without levels – Y1E, Y1D, Y1S.  Higher expectations  Depth and breadth. The Curriculum

3  Spoken Language  Reading  Writing  Spellings, Vocabulary and Punctuation Literacy

4 Power of Reading (POR)  New Literacy scheme emphasising the importance of books and literature in enabling children to become confident, happy and enthusiastic readers and writers, with all the benefits this brings.  Lessons are planned around high quality picture books, novels, poetry over several weeks.  Strong emphasise on ‘talk’ – children cannot write about a text without talking about it first.  Children are immersed into the text through music, art, drama, discussion and role- play.  Other approaches include: responding to illustrations, ‘Book Talk’, story- mapping, shared writing and book making.  Children take ownership of the text and engage with it deeply.

5 POR Texts for Year 1 2015 AutumnSpringSummer Traction ManBeeguOne night, far from home Where the Wild things areThe Jolly PostmanThe Owl and the Pussy Cat No DinnerFairy Tales: Hansel and Gretel The Three Little Pigs Goldilocks and the three bears Grace and Family10 things I can do to help my world

6 This Term: Traction Man


8 Reading  Home readers – read at home daily. Books will be changed once per week.  Comment to let us know how your child is getting on.  Guided reading – small group reading with teacher of an unseen text.  Comprehension and inference.  Clues for reading – phonically decoding and blending, read words by sight, context, check understanding.  Literacy homework based on home readers.

9 How you can help at home…  Read to your child  Listen to your child read  Practise phonics cards  Homework completed using correct handwriting  Spellings – Look, cover, write, check

10 Phonics  RWI – continued from EYFS  Streamed by attainment to tailor to individual needs.  Real and pseudo words  Phonic card homework  Phonic Screening Check

11 Inspire Maths  Problem solving curriculum  Emphasis on the C-P-A approach (concrete-pictorial-abstract)  Visualising new concepts to deepen understanding.  Making connections between representations.  The spiral approach.  Use of textbooks – highly scaffolded guided practice.

12 The Research Project  Curriculum based on most current research within mathematics.  1B and 1R taking part.  CPD and quality training for Year 1 teaching staff.  Pupil questionnaires carried out by research team in school.  Entry ‘tests’ carried out by research team in school.

13 Maths Passports  Based on the number objectives.  Quick recall.  Practise objectives daily.  Mental Maths tests carried out weekly.  All children will start on Europe, progress around the world as they achieve the objectives.  Please notify class teacher if they are lost.

14 How you can help at home…  Talk about Maths – give your child opportunities to reason and explain why in relation to number problems.  Mathletics  Maths Passports – counting, 1 more/less, number bonds, addition and subtraction facts.  Writing the numerals/number formation and spelling of number names.  Make 100 number squares  Get children into habit of telling the time and knowing the time events happen throughout day.  Discuss important dates; make days of the week/month of year charts

15 Religious Education A (more heavily weighted) theological approach to the teaching of Religious Education. Discrete teaching of scripture including the historical background. Gospel values will be taught using a whole school approach (Living like Jesus). Fortnightly RE homework.

16 RE – Collective Worship Daily (15 mins) – whole class, as a year group or as a whole school Gather, Word, Respond to the Word, Mission Planned by the children for the children

17 Science  Snap Science Topics for this year Our Changing World: Animal Antics, Plants, Sensing Seasons Plant Detectives Looking at animals Using our senses Everyday materials

18 Our Changing World: Animal Antics 1.Which animals live around our school? 2.How many birds visit our bird feeding station? 3.How do snails change over time? 4.How should we care for our pets?  Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.  Asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways.  Observing closely, using simple equipment.  Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.

19 Topic  Creative Curriculum – cross curricular topics.  Includes History, Geography, Art and Design and PSHE.  ‘Why do we play with different toys as we grow older?’  Hands on learning focused on the key skills within these subject areas.

20 Computing  Unit 1.1 – We are treasure hunters – Using programmable toys.  Unit 1.2 – We are TV chefs – filming the steps of a recipe.  Unit 1.3 – We are painters – Illustrating an eBook.  Unit 1.4 – We are collectors – Finding images using the web.  Unit 1.5 – We are storytellers – producing a talking book.  Unit 1.6 – We are celebrating – Creating a card digitally.  Links to other curriculum others.  E-Safety  Use of a well known, ‘child friendly’ software i.e. Paint, Movie Maker, iMovie, 2Paint a picture, Power Point, 2create a story,

21 Real PE -Programme developed to give ALL children the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life. -It is fully aligned to the new National Curriculum and Ofsted requirements -Focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning Unit 1: Personal Skills: Balance and Co-ordination Unit 2: Social Skills: Dynamic Balance to Agility Unit 3: Cognitive Skills Unit 4: Creative Skills Unit 5: Applying Physical Skills Unit 6: Health and Fitness

22  Core Subjects– Maths, Literacy, RE, Science, ICT.  Foundation Subjects – History, Geography, Art, Music, PE. Our Timetable 8:45 - 9:05 Finger Working Time (fine motor development) 9:05 - 9:15 Collective Worship/Assembly 9:15-9:35 Phonics 9:35 – 10:00 Guided Reading 10:00 -11:00 Literacy/Maths 11:00 - 11:15 Morning Break 11:15 -12:15 Maths/Literacy 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch 1:15 - 3:15 Topic/RE/PE/Computing

23  Spellings – initially based on high frequency works. Tested on a Monday. Will then be based on phonics sounds.  Reading – daily practise. Little and often!  Literacy – task based on home readers.  Maths – Mathletics, Maths Passport (mental maths test), Home challenge from Inspire Maths.  RE –set fortnightly. Homework

24 Any questions? Thank You

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