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GUI Tutorial 1. A Bit of Philosophy on what to Teach  There are numerous libraries, frameworks, options  Modern GUIs are often developed using XML (e.g.,

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Presentation on theme: "GUI Tutorial 1. A Bit of Philosophy on what to Teach  There are numerous libraries, frameworks, options  Modern GUIs are often developed using XML (e.g.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GUI Tutorial 1

2 A Bit of Philosophy on what to Teach  There are numerous libraries, frameworks, options  Modern GUIs are often developed using XML (e.g., Android, XAML, etc.)  My goals for 306:  Understand event-driven programming in general  Work with one object-oriented GUI library (Swing)  Feel confident you can learn other toolkits as needed  Cover only the basics (e.g., there are many layout managers, but I’ll only cover a couple)

3 Topics in GUI Tutorial 1  Event-driven programming  Layout managers  Text fields and labels  Responding to buttons  Simple dialogs  confirmation  message  simple input  JPanel  Borders  CheckBox and ComboBox

4 Event Programming  GUIs are under control of the user, not the program. This type of programming is referred to as event- driven.  Java programs react to a wide variety of user interface events – button pushes, mouse clicks, window manipulation, etc.  Program installs event listeners for events of interest  Need to know the event source – e.g., button, text box, window etc.  All listeners implement the particular interface for that type of event (e.g., button listeners must implement ActionListener)

5 FirstGUI Covers JFrame, BorderLayout, JTextField, JLabel, JButton, ActionListeners

6 Basic Strategy – very simple GUI 1. Create a JFrame (or JApplet) as the top-level container. Normally only 1 JFrame per application. 2. Define the components as instance variables (or possibly local variables) 3. In the constructor, allocate space for the components, add them to the JFrame (may call helper methods) 4. Main is usually very short: 1. call the constructor 2. set visible true. No events yet…

7 Create a JFrame public class FirstGUI extends JFrame{ public static void main(String[] args) { FirstGUI gui = new FirstGUI(); gui.setVisible(true); }  GUI displays… barely!

8 Use the constructor to configure it public FirstGUI() { // EXIT_ON_CLOSE is static int setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("My First GUI"); setSize(300, 100); }  set functions are defined because FirstGUI is-a JFrame

9 What’s a layout?  A layout manager determines how components will be arranged (order and size)  Layout managers enable programs to be more portable  The default layout manager for a JFrame is BorderLayout  The default layout manager for a JPanel (covered soon) is FlowLayout  Controlling the layout is not an important topic for this class. Suggested reading: from-A-to-Z-Minimum-Maximum-and-Preferred-Sizes.htm

10 BorderLayout In a BorderLayout, outer components (N/S/E/W) are sized to their natural size, if possible. Any extra space is given to CENTER. NORTH SOUTH CENTER EAST WEST

11 Now let’s add components  JTextField – used to accept information, single line  Our JTextField will be an instance variable – because we want to access it from other methods later.  Our JLabel field will be local – only set up and add to GUI, don’t need to access or modify later public class FirstGUI extends JFrame { private JTextField myName; private void createLayout() { JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel("Name"); myName = new JTextField(20); add(nameLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(myName, BorderLayout.CENTER); } call createLayout from ctor only add 1 component/area

12 Basic Strategy – simple GUI w Events 1. Create a JFrame (or JApplet) as the top-level container. Normally only one JFrame per application. 2. Define the components as instance variables (or possibly local variables) 3. In the constructor or an initialization function, allocate space for the components, add them to the JFrame, do other JFrame set up (set default close operation, set size, etc.) 4. Write an event listener (can be anonymous or inner class) 5. Attach the event listener to the component 6. In main, call the constructor, set visible true. Main is usually very short.

13 Add a Button  In createLayout, define a button, allocate space, add to JFrame JButton nameButton = new JButton("OK"); add(nameButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);  It displays… but no action yet Why is it OK for nameButton to be a local variable?

14 Create a listener  A class that responds to events must implement an interface named ActionListener  Remember that an interface:  Specifies methods that must be defined  Provides method signature (name, parameters)  Interface does not provide a method body – like pure virtual in C++. Method must be defined by implementing class.  By using an interface, Java knows what method to call Event Listener JButton actionPerformed

15 Note on packages  Just importing java.awt.* does not provide access to java.awt.event.ActionEvent. You can think of it as a directory structure that doesn’t automatically include subdirectories. (that’s not really what happens…)  import java.awt.event.*;

16 Simple action listener class  There are several syntax options for where the listener is defined.  We’ll define an inner class.  This should be in your source file, between public ClassName and the final }.  For now, put it just above your main method.  You can give the class any name, but it must implement ActionListener and you must have a method definition for actionPerformed. private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("Button pressed"); } COMMON ERRORS: misspelling actionPerformed, not making it public, not having ActionEvent as a parameter. Run it now… still nothing happens!

17 Add the listener to a button  Press the button…. nothing happens yet! Need to “attach” the listener to the buton.  Add the action listener to it (inside createLayout() ). nameButton.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());  But system.out.println is not very exciting

18 JOptionPane JOptionPane provides 3 quick options for dialogs:  Simple input  Simple message  Confirmation

19 Modifying the action listener  We can access the value of the JTextField because it’s an instance variable and our listener is an inner class  Put these lines in actionPerformed : String message = "Hello " + myName.getText(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);

20 More JOptionPane options String numStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your age"); int num = Integer.parseInt(numStr); int yearsLeft = 100 - num; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have " + yearsLeft + " years left"); NOTE: This example is just to show all JOptionPane options – for most applications you would probably add an age field to the JFrame.

21 Final JOptionPane example  showConfirmDialog returns an enumerated type int ready = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Are you ready to continue?"); if (ready == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Here we go!"); else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "OK, we'll wait");

22 JPanel  JPanel is a container to hold other components  A JPanel may be in its own class, or may be a variable inside another class  Which is best? Depends….

23 FlowLayout // default layout is flow JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(component);  Items displayed in order added  Fills horizontally, move to next line when not enough space for next field. FIELD-1 FIELD-3 FLD-4 FIELD-2 FLD-5 FLD-6

24 Using a JPanel with FirstGUI private void createLayout() { JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel("Name"); myName = new JTextField(20); // Create a JPanel JPanel panel = new JPanel(); // Add elements to the panel panel.add(nameLabel); panel.add(myName); // Add the panel to the layout add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JButton nameButton = new JButton("OK"); add(nameButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); nameButton.addActionListener( new ButtonListener()); }

25 CarpoolGUI JPanel, FlowLayout, GridLayout, JComboBox, CheckBox, RadioButton, Font Quick Intro: Panel Communication

26 CarpoolGUI  Used to sign up for carpooling  Will show lots of GUI components  Creates a more complex layout using panels  We’ll start today, finish next time NOTE: Clue layout will probably not need so many separate JPanel classes

27 Panel Communication Main panel Control Panel This is just a special case of message passing – common OO technique

28 GridLayout JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 3)); buttonPanel.add(button7); buttonPanel.add(button8); … 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0. CE can set 1 of these to 0, will expand as needed

29 Nesting Panels JPanel keypadPanel = new JPanel(); keypadPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 3)); buttonPanel.add(button7); buttonPanel.add(button8); … keypadPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JTextField display = new JTextField(); keypadPanel.add(display, BorderLayout.NORTH); 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0. CE

30 Get started: normal items in JFrame public class CarpoolGUI extends JFrame { public CarpoolGUI() { setSize(new Dimension(400, 250)); setTitle("Let's carpool"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public static void main(String[] args) { CarpoolGUI gui = new CarpoolGUI(); gui.setVisible(true); }

31 Create panel with combo boxes public class ToFromPanel extends JPanel { // JComboBox requires Java 1.7 or higher private JComboBox toCity, fromCity; public ToFromPanel() { toCity = createCityCombo(); fromCity = createCityCombo(); } private JComboBox createCityCombo() { JComboBox combo = new JComboBox (); combo.addItem("Golden"); combo.addItem("Boulder"); combo.addItem("Denver"); return combo; } Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) We create a createCityCombo method to avoid repeating code.

32 Continue combo panel  Add to ToFromPanel constructor: JLabel fromLabel = new JLabel("From"); JLabel toLabel = new JLabel("To"); setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2)); add(fromLabel); add(toLabel); add(fromCity); add(toCity);  Add to CarpoolGUI constructor: ToFromPanel tfPanel = new ToFromPanel(); add(tfPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

33 Create panel with radio buttons public class PreferencePanel extends JPanel { private JRadioButton smokeButton, noSmokeButton; public PreferencePanel() { // Create the buttons smokeButton = new JRadioButton("Smokes"); noSmokeButton = new JRadioButton("No smoke"); // Set no smoke as the default noSmokeButton.setSelected(true); // Add the buttons to the panel add(smokeButton); add(noSmokeButton); }

34 Add the panel to the JFrame  In the JFrame constructor: PreferencePanel pPanel = new PreferencePanel(); add(pPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);  But it’s possible to click both!  Need a RadioGroup

35 Update Preference panel ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(smokeButton); group.add(noSmokeButton); setBorder(new TitledBorder (new EtchedBorder(), "Preferences"));  OK, but let’s get items in a column

36 We’ll use GridLayout setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));

37 Add a border  Add to the ToFromPanel constructor setBorder(new TitledBorder (new EtchedBorder(), "Location"));

38 CheckBox and Font public class WillDrivePanel extends JPanel { private JTextField name; private JCheckBox willDriveCB; public WillDrivePanel() { JLabel label = new JLabel("Name"); name = new JTextField(20); name.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12)); add(label); add(name); } add to JFrame, of course (NORTH)

39 Add to JFrame WillDrivePanel wdPanel = new WillDrivePanel(); add(wdPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

40 Now the check box willDriveCB = new JCheckBox("Will drive"); add(willDriveCB);

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