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Management Some Ideas Optional Activity In groups of 4 or 5 individually --10 mins review Quinn’s model chose a poorly functioning group you were a member.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Some Ideas Optional Activity In groups of 4 or 5 individually --10 mins review Quinn’s model chose a poorly functioning group you were a member."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Some Ideas Optional Activity In groups of 4 or 5 individually --10 mins review Quinn’s model chose a poorly functioning group you were a member of apply Quinn’s model to that group what negative zone was it in – what evidence supports this conclusion what should should have been done by the manager – what lead you to this conclusion? Go around the group and describe your group and your application of Quinn’s model – 15 minutes 30 mins total

2 Scientific Management Fredrick Taylor c. 1910 scientifically select employees scientifically determine best way to do job train employees manage – before no distinction manage/worker manager – brains worker - hands

3 Administrative Theory 1920’s Henri Fayol Managers plan organize command coordinate control

4 Bureaucracy Max Weber (no; he didn’t invent it) solution to nepotism & favoritism

5 Human Relations 1920’s - 30’s Out of Hawthorne studies hearts – psychological motivation variables how treated how felt about work coworkers boss

6 Open Systems Theory 1960’s Interdependence of units in a system

7 What is a System? Biological Economic costs = demand & supply & expectations gas – supply loss of refinery Demand summer vacation Expectations war

8 Business EG of System Units outside of the work system interact with work system school closed child sick babysitter absent child in juvenile hall Employers must factor-in Daycare A system outside of the work system that interacts with the work system.

9 Competing Values Framework Quinn (1996) Four Management Frameworks rational goal (Scientific management + profit) Internal processes (administrative model) human relations open systems


11 Master Managers … Recognize when a management style is overused (negative zone) high turnover due to high sales demands (negative – rational goal) good morale is needed (positive – human relations)

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