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Page 1 Management excellence. Page 2 Section 2 Management Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 Management excellence. Page 2 Section 2 Management Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 Management excellence

2 Page 2 Section 2 Management Basics

3 Page 3 Management basics Management definitions. Series of managements. Function of management. The POLC cycle.

4 Page 4 Management Definition Is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people.

5 Page 5 Theories of Management Classical Management focuses on efficiency and includes bureaucratic, scientific and administrative management Scientific Management focuses on worker and machine relationships. Administrative Management emphasizes the manager and the functions of management. Behavioral/Human Relations Management a reaction to the shortcomings of the classical approaches to management.

6 Page 6 Theory X.............. Theory Y Theory X.............. Theory Y (Autocratic) (Participative)Control Support 13-3

7 Page 7 The management of personnel through physical force, Authority power, the fear of sanctions/penalties/terminate on, and/or Monetary Compensation Based On the concept of authority Assumption workers don't want responsibility and prefer to be directed Theory X Managers seek to influence their subordinates on the assumption that the best motivators involve satisfaction of basic human physical and psychological needs, especially, status, self-esteem, recognition, and appreciation. Theory Y

8 Page 8 Leading Use of power or influence to get the best out of workers Give clear directions Set the example Communicate Motivate Controlling Keeping up standards Assess and monitor performance Compare with set standards Identify variants Planning Planning establishes objectives and devises programs to achieve them Establish mission statement Determine specific objectives Select strategies Implement programs Organizing Develops an organizational structure to implement strategies Determine the way the business will operate Choose tasks to be done Determine the input mix Assign tasks The POLC Cycle

9 Page 9 Max & Max

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