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INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE Politique énergétique européenne: promouvoir d’énergie pauvres en émission de CO 2 Pieter.

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1 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE Politique énergétique européenne: promouvoir d’énergie pauvres en émission de CO 2 Pieter Boot, Director Long-Term Co-operation and Policy Analysis International Energy Agency © OECD/IEA, © OECD/IEA, 2008 “Journées d'Études du Groupe du PPE-DE au Parlement Européen” 2-4 Juillet 2008 – Paris, France

2 © OECD/IEA - 2007 Reference Scenario: World Primary Energy Demand Global demand grows by more than half over the next quarter of a century, with coal use rising most in absolute terms Global CO 2 emissions increase by 57% between 2005 and 2030.

3 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE A New Energy Revolution…. Cutting Energy Related CO 2 emissions Improved efficiency and decarbonising the power sector could bring emissions back to current levels by 2050. To achieve a 50% cut we would also have to revolutionise the transport sector. A New Energy Revolution… Cutting Energy Related CO 2 emissions

4 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE Changes in TFC/GDP Decomposed into Changes in Energy Services/GDP and Intensity Effect, 1990-2005 65% of the total decline in energy use per GDP in the IEA16 can be attributed to reductions from the energy intensity effect.

5 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE The IEA‘s 25 Energy Efficiency recommendations to the G8 offer huge CO 2 savings potential Global implementation of recommendations could save around 8.2 GtCO 2 /yr by 2030. Equivalent to 20% of global reference scenario energy related CO 2 emissions in 2030. WEO 2007 Projection

6 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE Energy Indicators - Tracking Trends & Identifying Potentials: The Example of Iron & Steel Adoption of best practice technologies in industry could save 1.9 – 3.2 Gt of CO 2 per year. The global technical potential in the iron and steel sector is 360 Mt of CO 2 per year, with the largest savings from blast furnace improvements

7 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE Average Annual Power Generation Capacity Additions in the “50% Cut Scenario”, 2010 – 2050


9 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE Share of public budgets for energy R&D in total R&D significantly fell over the last two decades. Private-sector R&D is increasingly focused on projects with short-term payoffs Source: IEA Databases Public Sector Energy R&D in IEA Countries

10 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ENERGIE ConclusionsConclusions Global energy system is on an increasingly unsustainable path  urgent challenge in the energy sector A portfolio of clean & efficient technologies can trigger a more sustainable energy future  critical: energy efficiency, power sector measures; transport and industry  key: price signal to internalize costs of CO 2 Significant change in policies needed: targeted policy interventions, closer international collaboration and investments  roadmaps can provide a focus for this  next 10 years are critical

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