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© Ms. Masihi.  All files related to a web site ( all web pages, images, etc. ) need to be saved in a Site Root Folder (sometimes called Local Root.

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Presentation on theme: "© Ms. Masihi.  All files related to a web site ( all web pages, images, etc. ) need to be saved in a Site Root Folder (sometimes called Local Root."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Ms. Masihi


3  All files related to a web site ( all web pages, images, etc. ) need to be saved in a Site Root Folder (sometimes called Local Root Folder or Site Folder), usually on your hard drive.  The Site Folder must be all-inclusive – all files, images, documents, need to be located within the site folder.  The Site Folder enables Dreamweaver to keep track of all files needed to display all pages within a website and is necessary to link a page to its source (such as images) and link site pages together. © Ms. Masihi

4  The very first thing you should do in creating a Website is to create a folder that will hold all your files. Site Root Folder  This will be the Site Root Folder.  Create the Site Folder before you first open Dreamweaver.  Read on … © Ms. Masihi

5  The location for all these files will normally be on the C: drive.  You however, will create a new folder on your Desktop. Read on … © Ms. Masihi

6  Right-click on the Desktop to open a context-sensitive menu. New > Folder  Select New > Folder. © Ms. Masihi

7  A new folder will be created on the Desktop and the name will be highlighted in blue.  Type in a new name for this folder – DW Projects_your name  This is where you will store all the files for each web page.  Next, open Dreamweaver. © Ms. Masihi

8  Double-click the folder you just created to open it.  Right-click inside this folder to create a sub- folder for project 2_your name. Read on … New > Folder  Right-click and then select New > Folder. P 2_yourname  Name the new folder, P 2_yourname © Ms. Masihi

9 Dreamweaver Site  When you first open Dreamweaver to create a website, click Dreamweaver Site. “defining your site”  Telling Dreamweaver where the site folder is located is called “defining your site” and involves the next steps. © Ms. Masihi

10 Site Definition Dialog Box  The Site Definition Dialog Box opens. name of your site “P2 Website”  First, enter the name of your site. It can be any short, descriptive name you choose. We will call this first site, “P2 Website”.  This is a name only you will see in your Files Panel. © Ms. Masihi

11  Next, identify where you will be storing all the website files. Browse  Click the gray folder to Browse for a new location if the path in this box is not correct.  In our case, browse to DW projects_your name folder. Open ( )  Click Open ( may show Select if you double- clicked ).

12 Site Root Folder  This selects P2 Website folder for your Site Root Folder (also called your local root folder).  Click Save then  This folder is where you will store all your files for this website. © Ms. Masihi

13 Dreamweaver Splash Screen  The Dreamweaver Splash Screen now appears, ready for you to create new files.  The Files Panel lists the Site Folder. Files created now will be stored in this folder. This is where you see the name of your site. © Ms. Masihi

14 Create New > HTML  To open a workspace for a new HTML document click Create New > HTML. © Ms. Masihi

15 workspace  Dreamweaver opens a workspace for you to enter elements for a web page.  Click on ‘Split’ view if not so already © Ms. Masihi

16 For DreamWeaver projects –  You will SAVE all that you create be it text, images and other elements IN your site root folder. © Ms. Masihi

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