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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Training and Technical Assistance Programs Sarah Weissman Pascual National Driver Register and Traffic Records.

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1 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Training and Technical Assistance Programs Sarah Weissman Pascual National Driver Register and Traffic Records Division National Center for Statistics and Analysis National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 41st International Forum on Traffic Records & Highway Information Systems Costa Mesa, California

2 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Traffic Records Assessments Crash Data Improvement Program (CDIP) MMUCC Training & Technical Assistance (GO Teams, TR 101) Traffic Records Core Activities

3 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. IDENTIFY contributing factors and outcomes of crashes DEVELOP effective interventions IMPLEMENT countermeasures to prevent crashes and improve crash outcomes UPDATE traffic safety programs, systems, and policies EVALUATE progress in reducing crash frequency and severity Data’s Role in Decision-making

4 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Traffic Records Assessments IDENTIFY Determination of State and National Need

5 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Since 2012, NHTSA facilitated 22 new-style Traffic Records Assessments using STRAP (State Traffic Records Assessment Program) Qualitative ratings converted to quantitative score Average Sample Assessment Score is 66.8% Sample Assessment Scores (N=22)

6 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. 62.7% 63.3%63.9%64.1%70.7%71.9% Average Score by System Module

7 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Sample Recommendations (N=22) CrashVehicleDriverRoadway Citation/ Adjudication EMS/Injury Surveillance Description and Contents93.3%80.1%79.7%85.2%73.0%70.1% Applicable Guidelines89.4%78.4%87.9%67.4%65.9%79.6% Data Dictionaries70.5%75.1%74.6%63.9% 75.5% Procedures/ Process Flow74.9%66.7%80.0%70.4%67.7%75.9% Interfaces57.0%69.1%82.3%73.9%55.2%39.2% Data Quality Control Programs59.4%52.8%51.5% 50.8%53.5% Overall71.9%63.9%70.7%64.1%62.7%63.3% US average currently includes 22 States

8 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Tuesday at 3:00pm Potential Assessors Traffic Records Assessment Assessor Training Location: Emerald III States with Upcoming Assessments What to Expect When You’re Expecting…A Traffic Records Assessment Location: Balboa Bay Wednesday at 8:00am Traffic Record Assessment Data: A National Overview Location: Emerald Bay II Upcoming Assessment Sessions

9 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. GO Teams DEVELOP Countermeasure Design by Subject Matter Experts

10 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. State Submits a detailed request for assistance NHTSA reviews State’s application NHTSA sends application to SMEs to scope project SMEs propose technical response and Go Team members NHTSA approves scope and funds for each Go Team Go Team delivers Technical Assistance Customized Assistance to States 10

11 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Ongoing NM – Develop Improved Strategic Planning Process and Structure – Will provide a more defined procedure to use in project identification and prioritization, incorporating increased TRCC involvement. Completed CT – Analysis of Crash Data “Work Flow” Process – Provided a more streamlined business process relative to the receipt, management, and entry of crash data. LA – TRCC Management & Strategic Planning – Developed a project charter & work plan, strategic plan framework, strategic planning & project development guides, project description template, and projects prioritization guide. Examples of GO Team Projects 11

12 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Crash Data Improvement Program (CDIP) IDENTIFY Determination of State-Specific Need

13 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Update CDIP Procedures Manual (undergoing final review) Incorporate “Mapping to MMUCC” (underway – 3 pilots completed) Start design of “NEW TRIPRS” CDIP tool (underway) Run 1+ full CDIP pilot programs (to start 2016) Initiate new program late 2016 or early 2017 Status of the CDIP Program 13

14 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. States wishing to participate in the pilot CDIP programs (including a separate MMUCC mapping) should contact their Regional Data Program Manager or the Traffic Records Team member assigned your region. Contact for CDIP Pilot Programs 14 RegionRegional Data Program ManagerTraffic Records Team Member 1 Charlene Oakley (617) 494-3427 Luke Johnson (202) 366-1722 2 Shannon Purdy (914) 682-3259 Sarah W. Pascual (202) 366-9809 3 Rod Chu (410) 962-0058 Sarah W. Pascual (202) 366-9809 4 Alex Cabral (404) 562-3744 Karen Scott (202) 366-2739 5 Lyn Warren (708) 503-8891, Ext. 15 John Siegler (202) 366-1268 6 Pat Tucker (817) 978-0180 Karen Scott (202) 366-2739 7 Sherri Cannon (816) 329-3900 Tom Bragan (202) 366-6978 8 Leslie Nelson-Taullie (720) 963-3100 Tom Bragan (202) 366-6978 9 Brian Hyunh (916) 498-5063 Luke Johnson (202) 366-1722 10 Linda Fisher-Lewis (206) 220-7652 John Siegler (202) 366-1268

15 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Mapping to MMUCC UPDATE and EVALUATE Consistency in Practice

16 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Background MMUCC does not provide guidance to States on how to determine compliance. Historically, each State has interpreted MMUCC compliance differently. Benefits Improved quality of crash data at State and national levels. Effectively measure specific targeted behaviors such as distraction, speed, and alcohol use on a national scale. Evaluate safety programs to determine if engineering, enforcement, and educational countermeasures have been effective. Background & Benefits 16

17 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. States collect crash data elements and attributes differently. Specific variations include: – Elements or attributes format – Combined elements and attributes – Naming conventions – Number of iterations Mapping to MMUCC Challenges 17

18 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Mapping to MMUCC (DOT HS 812 184) http://www- Now Available! NHTSA and GHSA developed a methodology for mapping the data collected on PARs or by electronic system to the data elements and attributes in the MMUCC Guideline. This methodology is intended to standardize how States compare both their PARs and their crash databases to MMUCC.

19 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Mapping Process Involved three steps: Gathering documentation about the source and target data elements Setting up mapping tables to compare the State PAR and MMUCC elements and attributes Executing a thorough review based on the mapping rules to determine whether or not a PAR element or attribute can be mapped to MMUCC. State Perspectives – New Jersey

20 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. New Jersey’s Mapping Results: How did we use the findings to update New Jersey’s PAR? State Perspectives – NJ Results

21 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. State Perspectives – NJ Summary

22 Safer Drivers. Safer Cars. Safer Roads. Thank You Questions?

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