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Revitalizing Neighbourhoods. Core Frame Concept Multifamily residences Parking Areas Light Manufacturing Inter city transportation terminals Wholesale.

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Presentation on theme: "Revitalizing Neighbourhoods. Core Frame Concept Multifamily residences Parking Areas Light Manufacturing Inter city transportation terminals Wholesale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revitalizing Neighbourhoods

2 Core Frame Concept Multifamily residences Parking Areas Light Manufacturing Inter city transportation terminals Wholesale and warehousing Central Business District Financial, hotel/convention, retail, entertainment, civic government Inter City Transportation Links Intra-city Transportation Links Frame Core Central Business District (CBD): Signs are obvious, tallest buildings etc., what happens here may vary city by city but its function is still the same Read the CBD description above. For Toronto, what is missing from this description? Why?

3 Multifamily residences Parking Areas Light Manufacturing Inter city transportation terminals Wholesale and warehousing Central Business District Financial, hotel/convention, retail, entertainment, civic government Inter City Transportation Links Intra-city Transportation Links Frame Core Zone of Assimilation Zone of Discard Zone of Assimilation: Older areas that are in the process of being converted to newer businesses and homes Zone of Discard: Areas that are being discarded on the fringes of the core. Run- down buildings etc.

4 Revitalizing Neighbourhoods Multifamily residences Parking Areas Light Manufacturing Inter city transportation terminals Wholesale and warehousing Central Business District Financial, hotel/convention, retail, entertainment, civic government Inter City Transportation Links Intra-city Transportation Links Frame Core Zone of Assimilation Zone of Discard Of the two zones, which would happen first in a city? What examples of this do we have in Toronto? Which one would happens second? Which of these do we have in Toronto? What is the difference between what we see in Detroit and what we see in Toronto? What dictates when this happens and where it happens?

5 Revitalizing Neighbourhoods Infilling – alternative to urban sprawl, using vacant space within the city or finding homes/buildings in need of repair and building high-density homes Read page 102 in your text. Answer the following questions: Why would a city want to encourage infilling rather than sprawl? If density is so important, should condos be the answer? Why or why not? Discuss

6 Revitalizing Neighbourhoods Gentrification: the immigration of middle class people into a deteriorating or recently renewed city area “But sir, why are we studying this stuff?” Let’s critically think for a minute. What does gentrification look like? Where do we see it in our city? What areas do we know this is happening in? Brainstorm: What kinds of jobs are associated with gentrification? Now think about social issues, what kinds of challenges and issues arise from gentrification? “Gate keeping”

7 Revitalizing Neighbourhoods Would gentrification happen more or less in an environment that had no government intervention? Is this a good thing or a bad thing for our city? Pros: Cons: Solutions/Responses: Zoning, Tax Incentives, Rent Freezes,

8 Class Discussion about Yesterday

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