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Neptune’s Resonances With Kuiper Belt Objects and What It Tells Us About the Early Solar System The Origin of Pluto’s Orbit: Implications for the Solar.

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Presentation on theme: "Neptune’s Resonances With Kuiper Belt Objects and What It Tells Us About the Early Solar System The Origin of Pluto’s Orbit: Implications for the Solar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neptune’s Resonances With Kuiper Belt Objects and What It Tells Us About the Early Solar System The Origin of Pluto’s Orbit: Implications for the Solar System Beyond Neptune Renu Malhotra A signature of Planetary Migration: The Origin of Asymmetric Capture in the 2:1 Resonance Ruth A. Murray-Clay & Eugene I. Chiang On the Plutinos and Twotinos of the Kuiper Belt E.I. Chiang & A.B. Jordan Resonant and Secular Families of the Kuiper Belt E.I. Chiang The Effect of Neptune’s Accretion on Pluto and the Plutinos Paul Wiegert


3 Horseshoe Orbit Stationary frame | Rotating frame


5 Janus & Epimetheus





10 The Migration of the Planets »Initial orbit (AU)MigrationFinal orbit Jupiter5.4-0.25.2 Saturn8.70.89.5 Uranus16.33.019.3 Neptune23.27.030.2

11 Pluto migrates out as a result of being in resonance with Neptune

12 Eccentricity final from Eccentricity initial, resonance, and initial and final semi-major axes of the migrating planet

13 Groupings of the test particles

14 Semi-major axis, eccentricity, and inclination over the period 0 to 10 8 years Ф – resonance angle ω – argument of perihelion

15 ColdHot e=0.001, sini=e/2e=0.1, sini=e/2

16 Eccentricity and inclination of the known Plutinos, and of the simulated particles under hot conditions

17 Different distributions reveal the rate of migration 10 7 yrs10 6 yrs


19 Known PlutinosSimulated Particles

20 Dione


22 A Jupiter-mass planet spends 50,000 years of migrating from 1 AU to 4 AU. As its exterior resonances swept through a group of planetesimals, it excited their orbits and captured them into resonances.

23 Rotating Frame images of the orbits of the captured particles.






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