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RF improvements over the weekend Giulia on behalf of Delphine, Philippe, Andy and many other people in the RF team LHC Beam Commissioning Working Group,

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Presentation on theme: "RF improvements over the weekend Giulia on behalf of Delphine, Philippe, Andy and many other people in the RF team LHC Beam Commissioning Working Group,"— Presentation transcript:

1 RF improvements over the weekend Giulia on behalf of Delphine, Philippe, Andy and many other people in the RF team LHC Beam Commissioning Working Group, 16 th Nov 2010

2 giulia papotti (BE/OP/LHC)16.11.2010 voltage reduction at injection – 1 similar to SPS 4 inj cycle –dip to 2MV from 3MV problems: –for clean capture (no tails) voltage should be ~ matched to the SPS bucket –~ 3 MV @ 400 MHz –bunch grows quickly during the very long filling (IBS) - > loss from the bucket solution: –flat bottom at 7MV –reduction to 3.5MV for each inj –adiabatic descent from F1K, 1s long –adiabatic rise back to 7MV, 1s long total length: 5s Delphine’s art… and SPS experience then linear acceleration ramp from 7 to 12MV SPS TOTAL VOLTAGE LHC TOTAL VOLTAGE conserve longitudinal emittance larger momentum spread reduces IBS larger bucket reduces losses

3 giulia papotti (BE/OP/LHC)16.11.2010 voltage reduction at injection – 2 transmission much improved – almost no losses at start of ramp Bunch length 19% L increase at each V reduction Capture loss

4 giulia papotti (BE/OP/LHC)16.11.2010 emittance blow up during ramp – 1 rectangular phase noise power spectral density that excites only the core –avoid tails and losses –hit: 0.87 f s < f < 1.1 f s corresponds to a 1.2 ns window in the core –follow f s along the ramp from 57 Hz to 28 Hz method developed by Joachim and RF studies section for the SPS algorithm: adjust the amplitude of the excitation x n from a measurement of the instantaneous bunch length (mean) L n and comparison to target L 0 target bunch length L 0 1 ns for ions –was 1.2 ns for protons Phase noise spectrum Part of the bunch excited

5 giulia papotti (BE/OP/LHC)16.11.2010 emittance blow up during ramp – 2 LSA functions: synchrotron frequency f s, f max and f min blow up time constant, gains, max excitation amplitude blow up system hardware armed with sequencer tasks blow-up is then initiated by the ramp timing event BLOW UP GAIN SYNCH FREQUENCY Controls developed by Delphine and Michael Jaussi

6 giulia papotti (BE/OP/LHC)16.11.2010 emittance blow up during ramp – 3 excitation amplitude bunch lengths ramp

7 giulia papotti (BE/OP/LHC)16.11.2010 emittance blow up during ramp – 4 at injection –slow lengthening, up to 1.5 ns BQM vetoes the SPS extraction if length >1.6ns at flat top –bunch lengths nicely equalized –some equalization takes place during the ramp even without blow-up though...but less

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