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Adam S’s May R and E I obviously made this. So…. Ye.

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Presentation on theme: "Adam S’s May R and E I obviously made this. So…. Ye."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adam S’s May R and E I obviously made this. So…. Ye.

2 What Was the Main character’s name?  Max  Alex  Samuel  Danny

3 The Answer was… Max. Max was a sibling to his younger sister Zena who had curly blonde hair. He and her have to take care of each other and find food in the ghetto while trying not to agrivate or get taken away by them.

4 Who was the relative he was reunited with?  Papa  Aunt Hannah  Mama  Uncle Fester

5 The Answer was… Aunt Hannah. She is now with two new men that are in their own little “army” of about maybe… say 30 people. They do secret missions to slowly take down Nazis.

6 What did Hannah’s group do?  Shoot Soldiers  Bomb Nazi Bases  Try to find Hitler’s base  Blow up Nazi Trains

7 The Answer was… Blow up Nazi trains. At one point a massive Nazi train is coming to a bridge over a ravine. They blow the explosives tied to the bridge as the whole thing tumbles down into the dark ravine. The train was loaded with ammo, supplies, bombs and etc.

8 What Happened in the forest?  Nazi Invasion  Tanks invaded  Planes bombed  Grenade Storms

9 The Answer was…  Planes bombed them. On their way Hannah and her group including Max and Zena were going to Hannah’s groups base when Nazis come to invade the forest. A bomb flies Max into a ditch when a tree falls on top of him. The tree covers up the tree so he is trapped. Eventually he digs out and is free.

10 What Happens to max after that.  Max Drowns in a swamp  He gets sliced by a knife  Shot by a Nazi  Trips and gets captured

11 The Answer was… Max gets shot. A small teenage Nazi is found with another Nazi. The older Nazi is shot leaving the teen. One of the members of the group shoots the young Nazi but the teen also shoots Max in the stomach. NOT TELLING YOU WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

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