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Cycles of Matter Life Science (the best class ever)

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Presentation on theme: "Cycles of Matter Life Science (the best class ever)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cycles of Matter Life Science (the best class ever)

2 What is a cycle? Examples:  Bicycle  Motorcycle

3 Where does matter come from? The same matter has been around since Earth began. Matter gets recycled

4 Water Cycle Different phases of water  Solidice  Liquidwater  Gassteam (water vapor)

5 Water Cycle Step 1  Evaporation Liquid water changes into steam (water vapor) Caused by heat Example: when you boil water, steam rises When the steam rises (goes up) it mixes with colder air

6 Water Cycle Step 2  Condensation Steam (gas) turns back into drops of water (liquid) When many drops group together in the sky, they form clouds. Examples: water on the mirror after a shower, dew, water on car windows in the morning

7 Water Cycle Step 3  Precipitation Large drops of water fall as rain (or snow in winter) Step 4  Transpiration Water moves through living things

8 Water Cycle Groundwater  Water that stays underground Lakes, rivers, streams Runoff  Water that moves across the surface of the land Infiltration  Water soaks (filters) into the ground

9 Nitrogen Cycle Organisms need nitrogen to make proteins (muscles, hair, skin) Plants fix nitrogen so we can use it.  Special bacteria on plant roots fix nitrogen.  It is called nitrogen fixing bacteria. Plants use the nitrogen that we fix.

10 Nitrogen Cycle Herbivores eat producers (plants). Omnivores and carnivores eat herbivores. Carnivores eat omnivores and carnivores. Animals and plants have nitrogen in them from the food they have eaten. Animals and plants eventually die.

11 Nitrogen Cycle The nitrogen from animals and plants goes back to the soil (dirt, ground) when something dies. Decomposers break down the dead organism. There is new nitrogen in the soil for plants to fix.

12 Carbon Cycle Organisms give and take carbon and oxygen from air and water.  Usually as oxygen gas (oxygen in water for fish, oxygen in air for us to breathe) or  As carbon dioxide gas Pop bubbles (makes you burp)

13 Carbon Cycle Carbon Cycle = movement of carbon through the ecosystem 2 main processes  Photosynthesis  Respiration

14 Carbon Cycle Photosynthesis  Producers, plants  H 2 O + CO 2 + energy C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  Water + carbon dioxide + sun glucose (food) + oxygen  Carbon dioxide CO 2 in, oxygen O 2 out

15 Carbon Cycle Respiration  Consumers, animals  C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 H 2 O + CO 2 + energy  glucose (food) + oxygen Water + carbon dioxide + energy  Oxygen O 2 in, carbon dioxide CO 2 out  Breathe – on – your – fingers demo

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