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DAILY LANGUAGE WORKOUT Week 6. Week Six/Day One When a dessert lizard senses danger it vibrates too instantly sink beneath the sand.

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY LANGUAGE WORKOUT Week 6. Week Six/Day One When a dessert lizard senses danger it vibrates too instantly sink beneath the sand."— Presentation transcript:


2 Week Six/Day One When a dessert lizard senses danger it vibrates too instantly sink beneath the sand.

3 When a desert lizard senses danger, it vibrates to instantly sink beneath the sand.

4 Week Six/Day Two Juan did you know that some kinds of wasps for example, mud daubers builds nests out of mud

5 Juan, did you know that some kinds of wasps (for example, mud daubers) build nests out of mud?

6 Week Six/Day Three a Queen bee can live for 5 years. She can lie millions of eggs.

7 A queen bee can live for five years, and she can lay millions of eggs.

8 Week Six/Day Four Wood you believe a caterpillar have about 4000 muscles in it’s body?


10 Would you believe a caterpillar has about 4,000 muscles in its body?

11 Week Six/Day Five Catfish are sort of weird, they didn’t have scales but they did have whiskers.

12 Catfish are sort of weird; they don’t have scales, but they do have whiskers.


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