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Tuesday, March 29 th 2011 SPDG Performance Measure Discussion.

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1 Tuesday, March 29 th 2011 SPDG Performance Measure Discussion

2 Professional development activities directly support improvement strategies outlined in the SEA’s State Performance Plans (SPPs)/Annual Performance Reports (APR). Projects use evidence-based professional development methods. (or - Projects use evidence-based professional development practices that support the attainment of identified competencies.) Participants in SPDG professional development demonstrate improvement in implementation of SPDG-supported practices over time. Projects use SPDG professional development funds to provide activities designed to sustain the use of SPDG-supported practices Highly qualified special education teachers that have participated in SPDG supported special education teacher retention activities remain as special education teachers two years after their initial participation in these activities.

3 Alignment with SPP/APR Professional development activities directly support improvement strategies outlined in the SEA’s State Performance Plans (SPPs)/Annual Performance Reports (APR). Panel will be looking at the SPP/APR to see SPDG activities described as improvement activities. How do we capture this goal in a way that not all projects will start of with 100%?

4 Professional Development Practices Projects use evidence-based professional development methods. Or: Projects use evidence-based professional development practices that support the attainment of identified competencies.

5 Improving Implementation Participants in SPDG professional development demonstrate improvement in implementation of SPDG- supported practices over time. School-wide vs. only certain teachers/classrooms – how capture and aggregate? Benchmark and measure of fidelity would be determined by each project for their innovation

6 Sustaining Implementation – Project Activities Projects use SPDG professional development funds to provide activities designed to sustain the use of SPDG- supported practices. Will provide a list of activities that assist in full implementation and sustaining implementation (e.g., coaching, systems interventions, facilitative administration). Will need to determine the extent to which these practices need to be used to effective support and sustain implementation.

7 Teacher Retention Highly qualified special education teachers that have participated in SPDG supported special education teacher retention activities remain as special education teachers two years after their initial participation in these activities. Will describe what counts as a teacher retention activity. Will define “initial participation” Definition of “highly qualified” per ESEA & IDEA

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