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Supporting and Engaging Families through the Intervention of Law Enforcement Presented by: Laurie Cavanaugh, G.E.A.R. Parent Network Regional Parent Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting and Engaging Families through the Intervention of Law Enforcement Presented by: Laurie Cavanaugh, G.E.A.R. Parent Network Regional Parent Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting and Engaging Families through the Intervention of Law Enforcement Presented by: Laurie Cavanaugh, G.E.A.R. Parent Network Regional Parent Support Coordinator and Sergeant Jonathan Shapiro, Maine State Police

2 G.E.A.R. Parent Network The place where Gaining Empowerment Allows Results Parent Support Program Family Empowerment Institute F.A.C.E.S. Councils Mental Health Awareness After Hours Family Assets Program

3 DC’s Roundtable Discussion Executive Summary 2007 Providers, Families, Law Enforcement; Same goals yet different perspectives Communication Vehicle Needed for Maine Focus on Family Strengths and Developmental Assets Building through family experiences, partnerships and collaborations

4 Law Enforcement Strategies Cross Cultural Experiences: Inviting all stakeholders to the table Promoting Partnerships Cross trainings/community mappings Police trainings on behavioral health intervention

5 How To Engage? SEEK! Support Empathize Empower Knowledge “Criticism and Blame = Recidivism Encouragement and Education = Reduced Recidivism and Family Investment”

6 Support When parents feel like they are part of the problem solving team rather than “the problem” they are more likely to seek out treatment and skill building. (results in less 911 calls)

7 Empathize FEAR (Law Enforcement; DHHS; The System) Losing Parental Control; Judgment Needs; Wants (success, assistance, support)

8 Empower Empower by welcoming parental input, shared decision making, give them a sense of involvement and feeling valued. Provide leadership opportunities. Direct parents to family resources. Reframe negative thought patterns; transform negative family blaming thoughts into positive family engaging thoughts.

9 Knowledge Knowledge and education leads to growth; new and increased skills Benefits of SEEK! Increased family involvement; improved family, provider and law enforcement relationships; reduced risk of substance abuse and recidivism; less 911 calls

10 Family Resources Autism Society of Maine 1-800-273-5200 Helping Hands (Aroostook County) 1-800-464-7664 Learning Disabilities of Maine 465-7700 Southern Maine Parent Awareness 1-800-564-9696 THRIVE 1-877-784-4705  Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine 1-800-833-9786  G.E.A.R. Parent Network 1-800-264-9224  Maine Parent Federation 1-800-870-7746  NAMI Maine 1-800-464-5767

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