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MCOM 303: Principles of Public Relations Anam Muzamill Class Lectures for Mid-Term  Contents ◦ Media Relations & Management ◦ Consumer PR ◦ Corporate.

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Presentation on theme: "MCOM 303: Principles of Public Relations Anam Muzamill Class Lectures for Mid-Term  Contents ◦ Media Relations & Management ◦ Consumer PR ◦ Corporate."— Presentation transcript:

1 MCOM 303: Principles of Public Relations Anam Muzamill Class Lectures for Mid-Term  Contents ◦ Media Relations & Management ◦ Consumer PR ◦ Corporate Communication ◦ Corporate Social Responsibility ◦ Corporate Identity & Image

2 Strategic Objectives  Improving Image  Higher/better Media Profile  Changing Attitudes of Target Audience  Improving Relationship with community  Increasing Market Share  Influencing Government  Improving Industrial Relations

3  Tools ◦ News Release ◦ Press Conferences ◦ Informal Media Briefings ◦ Exclusive Interview ◦ Media Tours ◦ Facility Visit  Techniques ◦ News Vehicles: Events created to gain media coverage ◦ For Example: Media Launches, Announcement, Anniversaries, awareness days, celebrity appearances, awards and publicity

4  Linking Statements to current Media Agenda: ◦ Pharmaceutical companies linking to Dengue Remedies ◦ Google associating themselves to combat cyber crime ◦ Companies associating themselves with Global Go Green Agenda Improving Image  Campaigns are special pleadings  Case Studies ZONG & AKD securities Questions:  Major contributors of article?  What are some of the privileges PR agencies enjoy if they have international affiliations?  What are terms and conditions local PR agencies must accept once they are affiliated?

5  What kind of scope and growth Pakistan is witnessing in PR Industry?  Why functions of PR agencies are still obscure to the public?  State the facts came as PR surprises for you through this news article.  How this article is overall contributing as a PR tool itself?

6  Public Relations as part of IMC  PR is viewed as Marketing Support  Generate Buzz  PR is more about changing attitudes than promoting specific products  Marketing and PR-Operates under same principle- Creating Exchanges-Creating mutually beneficial relationships

7  Publicizing news and events  Promoting new & established products  Creating a favorable image of Company  Arranging Public Appearances  Probing Public Opinion in Market areas  Focusing news media attention on sales conferences  Assisting in Programmes concerning consumerism

8  Fulfilling consumer-company commitment  Consumerism: Increasing activism of consumers in their expectations that the goods and services they buy should fulfill the promises related publicity material  Consumers influence design, quality, service and prices of goods and services provided by commercial enterprises

9  How profitable promotion turned in to a massive loss maker  Sales promotion offer of promising flights with certain products  Underestimated consumer demand  Under booked the flights  Later discourage consumer claims

10  1. Awareness  2. Interest  3. Evaluation  4. Trial  5. Adoption

11  Market is saturated with new brands  Brand loyalty has decreased  Sales promotion and Public Relations became more important in that case  Al and Laura Ries-Fall of advertising and Rise of Public Relations

12  Launch Process helps new products and services rapidly establish itself in the market  Pre Launch-Launch- Post Launch Activities  Hiring PR agency: Planning PR activities, Engaging Media  Timing: Internal Strategic Concerns and External Factors  Formation and Composition of Teams  Brand Building  Contingency Planning  Following up on the coverage of the event

13  Stakeholders: Who have interest/ stake in any organization, not necessarily financial interest, but they are effected by organization

14  Expectations from Corporate Statement  Issue Identification-Deal with Bank and controversial TV broadcaster Pat Robertson: Views against different religions, ethnic backgrounds and sexual preferences  Public Reaction: Condemning, Protests  PR Strategy I: Denial & Accusing Media  Increasing Public Pressure  PR Strategy II: Organizational Values v/s Personal Values  Stakeholder Pressure  Calling-off Deal  PR strategy III: Full Length Apology

15  Integrating social and economic considerations into competitive practices  Organizations don’t only do the things right they do the right things  Building equally good social and economic profile  Indicators of productive companies:  Invest  Innovate  Develop Human Capital

16  Inclusive Leadership: Shifts attention from physical assets to realizing and learning potential of all the people with company interacts  Sustainable development: Rather looking for quick financial success, companies should pursue development which can sustain over time.  Establishing License to Operate: To be successful, organization must maintain public confidence in the legitimacy of their operations and business conduct.

17  Undermine the License to operate  Lack of confidence in the moral legitimacy of the venture  Communities depend on individuals

18  Relationship of CSR and Stakeholdersim ◦ Embracing Company’s Stakeholders ◦ Contributions of stakeholders in decision making ◦ Treating Beneficiaries of CSR with Goodwill ◦ Goals related to social and ecological sustainability ◦ Full responsibility of impact of organization on environment and employees ◦ Public Scrutiny of Company’s acts ◦ CSR Auditing ◦ Financial ◦ Environmental ◦ Social

19  Objective Standards of Right and Wrong  Inter-subjectivism:  All truth including moral truth emerge out of the process of negotiation  Offers Equity & trust in relationships

20  Create and engineer favorable climate of the public opinion towards company-CSR for image management  CSR in pursuit of public Interest  Understanding requirement of community to help companies be more responsive

21  Corporate ID: Refers to the combination of ways in which an organization’s personality is expressed.  Tangible elements of ID: ◦ Logos ◦ Colors ◦ Type face & House Style  Less Tangible elements of ID: ◦ Behavior ◦ Culture ◦ Values, Philosophy, Mission ◦ Communication Style

22  ID: is what organization communicates intentionally  Image: Image is how its publics actually view it, An image is a perception and exists only in the minds of receiver  ID>>>>>>>>Image  To formulate an image, publics interpret ID in a wider context with frames of reference

23  Public Profile and Recognition  Better Customer Relations  Brand Support  Better Visual Representation  Financial Advantages  Express Culture and Values  Staff Motivation  Support for Communication

24  Organizations can not construct a corporate image because they can not control the content in which their communication is received, interpreted and understood.  Well-Managed Corporate Identity can go some way to effecting a strategically important image.

25 Corporate Identity Mix  Symbolism, Communication and Behavior Key Concepts of Corporate Identity  Determining Organization’s actual identity and Desired Identity  Audit the coherence between ID and Image  Plan to adjust Corporate ID Corporate Strategy  Corporate Identity Mix is a part of achieving overall organizational strategic objectives  CI should be formulated in response to stakeholder needs and views should not be pre-determined

26  Using Cultural Codes and Associated Meaning  Designers choose particular colors, shapes, typeface, graphics to evoke particular emotional response and to infer particular meanings  Red Flag (Soviet Socialism)  Red Rose (French Socialism)

27 The arrow points from A to Z showing how the company sells anything you'd ever want... it also doubles as a smile.

28 The V and the A in Sony's logo are meant to represent an analog sound wave, while the I and O stand for binary digits, evoking the digital age.

29 With a clever use of negative space, the Pittsburgh Zoo pays homage to wide array of wildlife.

30 Known for its 31 flavors, the company worked that element into its B and R logo.

31  Monolithic: One Name, one Identity through out  Endorsed: Parent company has different but prominent identity and brands have different/ prominent identities  Branded: Parent company has a less prominent logo, brands are more prominent



34  P& G

35  Principle of Consistency: Establishing consistent and sustainable internal images among all employees so positive cue can be communicated  Organization should involve range of stakeholders in determining core philosophy and values and clearly communicate agreed goals  How to bring consistency since different stakeholders have different needs and expectations?

36  CSPs-Common starting points ◦ Reliability ◦ Profit-Making ◦ Innovation ◦ Synergy ◦ Quality  Organic Process of communicating organizational images  CSPs work function as parameters/ Communication guides  Don’t limit staff to static agreed perceptions

37 ◦ Organization images should be consistent with CSPs ◦ Sustainable Corporate Story must have an effective framework ◦ Mission ◦ Vision ◦ Origins ◦ emotionally formulated ◦ core stories ◦ competencies ◦ fundamental beliefs ◦ values

38  Corporate Culture-Johnson & Scholes’s Cultural Web  Understanding Culture as part of Corporate Identity  Paradigm in Center ◦ Stories ◦ Symbols ◦ Power Structure ◦ Organizational Structures ◦ Control Systems ◦ Rituals and Routines

39  Corporate personality is made up of organizations: ◦ History ◦ Culture ◦ Belief ◦ Values ◦ Realized through staff, structures, products and services


41  Vision: "live and let live“  Human Resource: Diverse cultural backgrounds and multi-ethnic origins add up to create a strong resource base at GEO.

42  Identifying Desired Corporate Identity  Audit Existing Corporate Identity ◦ Communication and Behavior audit  Behavioral Survey  Job Satisfaction  Measuring effectiveness of internal policies  Organization’s impact on stakeholders  Communication climate: Communication style and content

43  Logo  Designs  Decors  Factories  Showrooms  Brochures  Advertising  instructional manuals

44  Problem Analysis  Current positioning  Translation in to CI Mix  External Image Research  Competition Market Analysis  Gap analysis  Maintaining Current positioning  Adjusting current positioning  Determination of New Position

45 All the best for your Exam !!!!!!

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