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Humanities Computing Master of arts in F A C U L T Y O F T H E.

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1 Humanities Computing Master of arts in F A C U L T Y O F T H E

2 Humanities Social Sciences Fine Arts English Philosophy MLCS History & Classics East Asian Art & Design Sociology Linguistics Drama Faculty of Arts Initiative Music Anthropology Political Science School of Library and Information Studies

3 2/3 Humanities Computing 1/3 home department Rooted in the intellectual traditions of established disciplines (English, History, Sociology, etc.) Explore theory and practice of computing in the Liberal Arts Theory into Practice

4 Year 1, Fall Term HUCO 500: Survey of Humanities Computing –Theoretical & historical –Seminar discussions HUCO 500: Survey of Humanities Computing –Theoretical & historical –Seminar discussions HUCO 520: Technical Concepts and Skills –Practical applications –lab based work HUCO 520: Technical Concepts and Skills –Practical applications –lab based work

5 Some First-Term Topics Electronic Publishing GIS Mapping Stylometrics Multimedia Knowledge Management

6 Year 1, Winter Term HUCO 510: Theoretical Issues –Philosophy of information systems, –Theories surrounding knowledge representation HUCO 510: Theoretical Issues –Philosophy of information systems, –Theories surrounding knowledge representation H UCO 530: Project Management –Problem Based Learning course –Develop a marketable product of service H UCO 530: Project Management –Problem Based Learning course –Develop a marketable product of service

7 Year 2, Fall Term H UCO 612: Electronic Texts –Use, creation, and publication of electronic texts –Theories and practice throughout analysis H UCO 612: Electronic Texts –Use, creation, and publication of electronic texts –Theories and practice throughout analysis H UCO 614: Knowledge Management –Database structures and management –Knowledge representation and modeling H UCO 614: Knowledge Management –Database structures and management –Knowledge representation and modeling H UCO 616: Multimedia in the Humanities –Cultural, social and technical significance –Practical construction of multimedia projects H UCO 616: Multimedia in the Humanities –Cultural, social and technical significance –Practical construction of multimedia projects

8 New Directions Student Consulting Company –Student run consulting services –Provide practical experience to students –Student run consulting services –Provide practical experience to students

9 Master of arts in F A C U L T Y O F T H E Humanities Computing

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