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SECTION 16.3 Opposition To Bismarck. Objectives: What problems did Bismarck face as chancellor of the German Empire? How did Germany become industrialized.

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1 SECTION 16.3 Opposition To Bismarck

2 Objectives: What problems did Bismarck face as chancellor of the German Empire? How did Germany become industrialized under Bismarck's leadership? What factors lead to the decline of Bismarck's power as chancellor?

3 Problems For The Empire The constitution did not give bismarck the absolute monarchy he wanted, therefore he tried to achieve it in other ways. the constitution gave little say for the people. There was poliical paries that opposed Bismarck's policies. Bismarck's government was forced to follow some of these demands. Some groups demanded a more liberal and democratic government. some feared the policies and feared the ever growing army. Realations to the catholic church lead to problems because Bismarck is a protestant. Bismarck started the anti-cattholic program of Kulurkampf. Eventually even church property was confiscated because Bismarck made it so he can control the church.

4 Industrial Development under Bismarck During Bismarcks ruling the German Empire became a indusrtial giant. Germany had many natural resources, such as coal and iron deposits. Germans government managed the railroads to promote industrial development. Industrialization came to Germany later so they were able to use the new technology that was allready created to better the transportation. Under Bismarck the government helped the industry in many ways. Money and banking were standardized. Postal services where much buisness was done were centralized. The government adopted a high-tariff policy to protect industries from foreign competition.

5 Socialism in Germany With the growing economy of Germany, came the factory workers. German laborers, like in other nations, wanted decent working conditions. some believed that the actions of the cartel led to the lower worker wages and higher consumer wages. Some in other countries went further in their opinions and they called for government ownership for major companies. German socialist grouped together in 1869 to form what would become the Social Democratic Party(SDP). The party grew quickly and members came from the urban workers. Even if the SDP could get larger they had no say in the laws.

6 Bismarck's Antisocialist Campaign Every gain in socialist voting strength alarmed Bismarck. Then when the SDP came to have a large amount of votes, Bismarck decided to fight them. He got his chance in 1878 when two assassination attempts were made against the emperor. Bismarck knew that neither of the would-be assassins had any connections with the socialism. However he took advantage of public concern by accusing the Social Democrats of plotting the atttempts. Bismarck granted many of the things that the socialists proposed, so that fewer people would have reason to support them. This gave insurance and better working hours.

7 The Resignation of Bismarck's Kaiser William I died in 1888 at the age of 91. then Frederick III took reign over him, but he ended up dying a few months later. Fredericks son William II became emporer in 1888. He was 29 years old. William II held strong conservative opinions. He believed in absolute authority. William thought that Bismarck had too much power. Bismarck offered to resign in 1890, however kaiser accepted. With bitterness Bismarck resigned. Bismarck's policies left Germany strong, but had left frustrated Germans. During Williams reign Germany became the most powerful country.

8 Why is it Important Today? Germany has gone on to become a highly respected industrial nation.

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