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Presented by Eng. Abel Didier TELLA, Secretary General of UPDEA Secrétariat Général 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Eng. Abel Didier TELLA, Secretary General of UPDEA Secrétariat Général 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Eng. Abel Didier TELLA, Secretary General of UPDEA Secrétariat Général 1

2 CONTENTS I. Reminder of the objectives II. Tasks performed in the framework of the Coordination of the Forum of PP (Nov.2009-May 2010) General Secretariat 2

3 I. Reminder of the objectives First of all, allow me to recall the main objectives our Forum has defined to itself: Objective n°1 : Institutionalize and perpetuate the forum of the African power pools as frame of coordination and development framework of the African power sector Objectif n°2 : Harmonizing the energy policy framework at continental level General Secretariat 3

4 I. Reminder of the objectives cont. Objective n°3 : Strengthening capacities of regional Power pools and coordination Objective n°4: Undertaking a comparative diagnostic analysis/study on the power pools’operation.Objective n°5: Strenghtening the information system between power pools and stakeholders General Secretariat 4

5 II. Tasks performed by the Coordination from Nov.09 to date Our report on tasks performed by the Coordination for the period Nov.09 up to date, will mainly deal with data and information collected and their processing so far;which relates to Objective 4 of our Action Plan. But before, i would like to stress on some achievements undertaken which relate to the other objectives too. Secrétariat Général 5

6 II.Tasks performed cont… Objective n°1: In pursuance to this objective, the Forum held a consultative meeting in Nov. 09 at the occasion of the UPDEA OGA meeting. This meeting has been successful and enabled us to discuss the Forum Plan of Action and prepare the 5th ongoing meeting. several letters and contacts with AUC (African Union Commission ) have not led to a clear situation as for the (financial) contribution of AUC about operation and missions of the Forum). The modalities must be clarified during this meeting Objective n°2: Discussions are not progressing with AUC as for the elaboration of the strategic policy paper on the continental energy policy framework. 6

7 II. Tasks performed… cont. Objective n°3: UPDEA introduced to partners (Proinvest, IPPF – NEPAD) requests for the capacity building of the utilities’staff and regional power pools. Prospects are good. Objective n°4: As agreed at the meeting of Addis Ababa, the UPDEA should receive from power pools, the summary forms on their activities as at the end of 2009. In March, 2010, the UPDEA reminded the power pools. General Secretariat 7

8 II. Tasks performed… cont. Objective n°4 cont.: As a reminder, this questionnaire consists of statistical data (production, consumption, performance of network, demand forecast, status of projects). So far, it is only SAPP which has been able to provide some information. EAPP&COMELEC have only given a partial situation (mainly on Algeria, Tunisia). If received, the various data would have allowed to establish: performance indicators of the various utilities ; General Secretariat 8

9 II. Tasks performed… cont - The demand growth curves compared to those of the output and their adequacy per sub-region and for Africa. - Aggregate data such as electrification rates, consumption per capita in the various power pools. *This would have allowed every power pool to have an overview of the situation of the other power pools, of the whole Africa and for benchmarking General Secrtariat 9

10 II. Tasks performed cont… Objectives n°5: UPDEA also submitted to the same partners (Proinvest, IPPF – NEPAD) requests for the launching of the operation of its databank. Data collection is rather difficult. To make it easier, UPDEA decided not to focus any more on collection of old data, but to begin with those of 2008 - 2009. Also, emphasis will be put on countries’ general data and technical information. General Secretariat 10

11 II. Tasks performed cont… Objective n°5 cont.: older data will be collected later on when financing is available. The server which was damaged has been replaced by one with higher capacity in February 2010. Which enabled us to re-put the UPDEA site on-line. Rather promising discussions are taking place between the UPDEA’s Secretariat and Africa Energy Group of the World Bank for their assistance and their decision on the project implementation is expected. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION General Secretariat 11

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