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The Response from SMMCA Southeastern Massachusetts Mathematics Chairpersons Association.

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Presentation on theme: "The Response from SMMCA Southeastern Massachusetts Mathematics Chairpersons Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Response from SMMCA Southeastern Massachusetts Mathematics Chairpersons Association

2 SMMCA Founded in 1968 for math department heads Currently has 41 members from 37 school districts in Southeastern Massachusetts 16 member Standards Study Committee Letter to the National Governors Association and Massachusetts Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education

3 General Comments for our BOE Proceed slowly—Massachusetts has high standards Let’s compare the Common Core with our revised Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks The lack of assessment information is troubling Schools can’t afford major changes

4 Specific Concerns Numerous Core Standards – Risk of being a checklist – Making connections not emphasized – Connections to 21 st century skills are needed

5 K-5 Standards Emphasize Arithmetic in ways to promote understanding--not rote memorization but Lack a strong statement about early algebraic skills (input-output tables, number theory) 

6 Are these better? Will they close the achievement gap? Will they decrease the need for remediation in colleges? Where are Response to Intervention guidelines?

7 STEM Labels STEM standards are really “calculus intending” and not necessarily just for STEM careers STEM could discourage some students who intend to pursue non-STEM careers

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