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Unit IV Review. PERIOD 5 (1844-1877) Nativists Native-born Americans that disliked the increased amounts of immigrants.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit IV Review. PERIOD 5 (1844-1877) Nativists Native-born Americans that disliked the increased amounts of immigrants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit IV Review

2 PERIOD 5 (1844-1877)

3 Nativists Native-born Americans that disliked the increased amounts of immigrants

4 Sectionalism Loyalty to a particular region

5 William Lloyd Garrison Abolitionist that published the Liberator

6 John Brown Radical abolitionist that will lead a raid at Harpers Ferry

7 Harriet Tubman Conductor on the Underground Railroad

8 Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 court case that ruled that slaves did not have the rights of citizens because they were property and therefore couldn’t sue in court

9 Compromise of 1850 Under this legislation California enters as a free state and a stricter fugitive slave law is enforced

10 Harriet Beecher Stowe Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

11 Kansas-Nebraska Act In 1854 it called for the people of the state to be able to decide on the issue of slavery

12 Popular sovereignty Giving the people of a territory the right to decide on the issue of slavery

13 Fugitive Slave Act Created federal commissioners to pursue fugitive slaves; led to northern contempt

14 James Buchanan Last President before the Civil War

15 Know Nothing Party 1840s & 1850s political party that was anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic

16 LeCompton Constitution Would have been the basis for Kansas’ Constitution; put no restrictions on expansion of slavery

17 Lincoln-Douglas Debates The topic of focus for these events was about the extension of slavery; moral opposition vs. popular sovereignty

18 Republican Party Formed with the platform of not allowing slavery into the federal territories

19 10% Plan Lincoln’s plan to easily reintegrate the South into the Union

20 Anaconda Plan Union war strategy aimed at squeezing the life out of the South

21 Battle of Antietam Bloodiest day in U.S. history; Northern victory brought on Emancipation Proclamation

22 Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln speech which freed slaves in the Confederacy

23 George McClellan & Ulysses Grant Leaders in the Northern army during the Civil War

24 Gettysburg Address Lincoln’s commemoration of a National Cemetery

25 Habeas corpus Suspended during the Civil War

26 John Wilkes Booth Assassinated Lincoln

27 Monitor vs. Merrimack Union vs. Confederate iron clad warships

28 Robert E. Lee & Stonewall Jackson Strong Southern Civil War generals

29 Sherman’s March to the Sea Union general burned everything from Atlanta to the Atlantic Ocean

30 Andrew Johnson Vetoed the Civil Rights bill of 1866

31 Black codes Laws passed by new southern governments to regulate the lives of former slaves

32 Radical Republicans Harsher northern politicians who wanted more rights for black Americans

33 14 th Amendment Made former slaves citizens and promised “equal protection of the law”

34 Compromise of 1877 Brought an end to Military Reconstruction

35 The Peculiar Institution The nickname the North gave to Southern slavery

36 Free Soil Party This party formed on the platform of favoring the Wilmot Proviso and free land for settlers. Didn’t oppose slavery, just the spreading of it

37 Bleeding Kansas Northern and Southern forces fought over the issue of slavery which resulted in bloodshed

38 Roger Taney He was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court prior to the Civil War. His decision on Dred Scott v. Sandford made slavery legal in U.S.

39 Stephen Douglas He was the senator from Illinois who wrote the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Freeport Doctrine

40 Fort Sumter The U.S. fort in Charleston, South Carolina which was the first battle of the Civil War

41 Copperheads They were extreme Northern Democrats who believed the Union could be united if slavery were not attacked

42 Wade-Davis Bill It was the first attempt at Reconstruction by Congress which provided for congressional administration of Reconstruction

43 Ku Klux Klan (KKK) It was a secret organization that intimidated blacks from voting and dressed up in bed sheets

44 Carpetbaggers They were Northern Republicans who went to the South to gain quick political advancement and wealth

45 Military Reconstruction Acts The reconstruction plan that Congress used for 10 years. It divided the South into give military districts that would be run by the army.

46 New York Draft Riots Protesting of conscription into the Union army because the poor were drafted disproportionately

47 Jefferson Davis He was the President of the Confederate States of America

48 Crittenden Compromise This bill offered a Constitutional amendment recognizing slavery in the territories south of the 36°30’ line, non-interfearance by Congress with existing slavery, and compensation to the owners of fugitive slaves

49 Border states The name for the states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri that were slave states but did not secede

50 Blue and Gray These were the colorful nicknames of the North and South

51 African Americans In order to win the election of 1868, Republicans depended on the vote from…

52 sharecropping Blacks working on farms as renters during Reconstruction was known as…

53 Tenure of Office Act Violating this act caused Andrew Johnson to be impeached and came within one vote of being removed from office

54 Bleeding Kansas Northern and Southern forces fought over the issue of slavery which resulted in bloodshed

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