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Colonization of America. The student will describe how early European exploration and colonization resulted in cultural interactions among Europeans,

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1 Colonization of America

2 The student will describe how early European exploration and colonization resulted in cultural interactions among Europeans, Africans and Native Americans


4 Beringia - Land Bridge to North America

5 Mayan Society LOCATION: Central America Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico Chichen-Itza – Important Mayan Religious Center

6 Aztec Capital


8 LOCATION: Tenochtitlan (Valley of Mexico) Cortez defeated the Aztecs.


10 LOCATION: The Andes Mountains of South America. Home of the Incas

11 Macchu Picchu, The Last Stronghold of Inca Civilization Pizarro defeated the Incas.

12 What European country explored and settled the Caribbean, Central America, and South America? SPAIN

13 SOL Questions 1.Why did Europeans come to America? 2. What were the consequences of the interactions of the American, European, and African nations? 3. Who were the VA Cavaliers?

14 3 Worlds Collide The greatness of early American civilizations made them a target of the greedy Spanish. These conquistadores came in search of the gold and silver and other riches of the area. This collision of cultures led to the destruction of most early civilizations. Those that did not die from warfare; fell to diseases brought by the Europeans. Why did Europeans come to America? What made them interested in exploration? (Religious Freedom & Economic Opportunity) EUROPEAFRICA AMERICA

15 The Lost Colony: Sir Walter Raleigh In 1587, the Virginia Company, financed by Sir Walter Raleigh, sponsored the first permanent English settlement in the New World. One hundred men and 17 women landed on Roanoke island, off of the Virginia coast. John White returned to England to obtain additional supplies. When he returned, nearly three years later, he found a deserted colony. The only clue as to the whereabouts of the colonists was the word "CROATOAN." To this day, the fate of these colonists remains a mystery. 1587 The Lost Colony Sir Walter Raleigh Entire Colony Disappeared

16 The Ferry (to Jamestown) at Scotland Wharf


18 1607-The first permanent English settlement in North America. Jamestown is founded by the VA Company of London as a Joint-Stock Venture

19 Why did they come to VA? Was settled for economic gains by the Virginia Company.

20 Cavaliers Were the English nobility who received large land grants in VA from the King of England and helped settle the colony.

21 4.The settlers did not always get along---fights, struggles for power. 5. Conflict with the Powhatan Indians.

22 1609 THE STARVING TIMES John Smith leaves and relations with the Indians go sour. The Colonists were on their own to find food.

23 1612 John Rolfe introduces Tobacco. It becomes a cash crop.



26 1618 The Head right system begins in Jamestown.

27 Advertisement urging people to come to VA 1619 1st Africans arrive in 1619


29 Jamestown Important Dates 1612-Tobacco is developed 1619 * VA House of Burgesses * 1 st women come to the colony

30 What was the first elected assembly (lawmaking body) in the New World? The VA House of Burgesses (1619)

31 1624 Jamestown becomes a royal colony. It is placed under the direct control of the King. 3 Types of Colonies 1. Charter Colonies 2. Proprietary Colonies 3. Royal Colonies

32 Bacon’s Rebellion 1676 I will burn Jamestown if it will not treat all people equal.

33 The colonists of the Virginia colony were not always happy with their situation. Nathaniel Bacon led a revolt against the plantation owners of Jamestown because he felt poor people were being ignored.

34 The Southern Colonies. Huge plantations that grew cash crops dominated the southern lands. Shirley Plantation RICE TOBACCO INDIGO Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

35 What was the major reason for the settlement of Virginia and the other Southern colonies? Economic Opportunity

36 SOL 1 Vocabulary Cavaliers Indentured Servants VA House of Burgesses Middle Passage Cash Crops CHARTER- The King grants permission to colonists to establish a Settlement.

37 SOL Notebook Questions 5. Why was the VA House of Burgesses important? 6. Difference between Slave & Indentured Servant 7.Why did Bacon’s Rebellion occur? 8. Importance of the Mayflower Compact 9. How were the Puritans & Pilgrims different?


39 What was the major reason for the settlement of New England? RELIGIOUS FREEDOM

40 Who settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620? The Separatists, who were commonly called the Pilgrims.

41 The Puritan Way of Life The Puritans form a “covenant community” based on the Mayflower Compact. They were very INTOLERANT of other religions. They practice Direct Democracy through TOWN MEETINGS. Plan of Government

42 The Mayflower Compact The Pilgrim male settlers at Plymouth signed an agreement that helped establish the notion of self- government in the Americas.

43 The Mayflower The Mayflower brought the first group of Pilgrims to North America in 1620. The ship sailed from Plymouth, England, on September 16, 1620, with 102 passengers. The ship was headed for Virginia, where the colonists had been authorized to settle.

44 Squanto lived with the Pilgrims for 18 months. He died of a fever in1622.

45 Who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony? THE PURITANS Their leader was John Winthrop.

46 The New England Colonies New England was settled by the Puritans. We are seeking Religious Freedom! Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire

47 Rhode Island-Roger Williams Rhode Island was founded by dissenters fleeing persecution from the Puritans in Massachusetts. Practiced freedom of religion. Anne Hutchinson fled to Rhode Island.

48 Salem Witch Trials  The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft.  20 were executed.  Eventually, the colony admitted the trials were a mistake.


50 Economy of New England Based of Shipbuilding. Fishing, lumbering, subsistence farming.

51 Middle Colonies DIVERSITY Quakers in Penn. Catholics in Maryland Dutch in New York Generally believed in more religious tolerance than New England. Mostly small farmers and business owners

52 The Dutch settle in New York (New Netherlands). 1664 the Dutch are forced out of New York by the English.

53 Pennsylvania is established as a place for QUAKERS to worship.

54 What two groups of colonists generally believed in religious tolerance? 1. Quakers- Pennsylvania 2. Roman Catholics- Maryland

55 Economy of the Middle Colonies Based of Shipbuilding. Trading, subsistence farming. Major Ports: Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia Known as the “bread basket” because of the fields of wheat, oats, barley

56 Why was slavery introduced in the South? The African slave trade and the development of a slave labor system resulted from plantation economies and labor shortages. Journey to America for slaves. The Triangular Trade Route brought Africans to the English colonies.


58 Define indentured servant? A person who agreed to work a certain number of years in exchange for payment of his passage to America.

59 James Oglethorpe establishes Georgia as a colony for debtors.


61 What about the Indians? Violent confrontations between the Europeans & the Native American led to the downfall of Native Tribes. Disease also killed thousands of Indians. However the French & Indians forged a cooperative alliance. As the 3 worlds collided, things would change forever.

62 I knew I should have burned that Fort down.

63 Religious movement of the mid-1700s that preached “fire and brimstone” sermons to encourage spiritual rebirth. Jonathan Edwards & George Whitefield were two key figures.

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