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The Shocking 90’s By; Savannah Grace. 1990-Hubble Telescope ∞ The Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990. ∞ The Hubble orbits the Earth. ∞ Hubble was revealed.

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Presentation on theme: "The Shocking 90’s By; Savannah Grace. 1990-Hubble Telescope ∞ The Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990. ∞ The Hubble orbits the Earth. ∞ Hubble was revealed."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Shocking 90’s By; Savannah Grace

2 1990-Hubble Telescope ∞ The Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990. ∞ The Hubble orbits the Earth. ∞ Hubble was revealed the age of the universe to be 13- 14 billion years old. ∞ It has took hundreds of pictures of Earth. ∞ Hubble is an instrument for the entire astronomical community.


4 1991-The Desert Storm † Iraq launches the first SCUD missile attack. † US forces in the gulf exceed 500,000. † Iraq SCUD missile hits the U.S barracks in Saudi Arabia, killing 27 people. † Operation Desert Storm and war phase begins. † Award of the National Defense Medal authorized Feb., 21.

5 This is the summary of the operation desert storm.

6 1992-Official end of the cold war ♫ The Cold War lasted 1981-1992 ♫ 1980-1990, the number of women in the foreign service doubled to almost 25%. ♫ In January 1993, three weeks before leaving office, Bush traveled to Moscow to sign the START II treaty. ♫ The End Of The Cold War marked by the opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

7 1993-World Trade Center Bombed ღ World Trade Center Is Located In New York City. ღ The Terrorist Bomb failed to critically damage the main structure of the sky scrappers. ღ 6 people died, 1000 injured. ღ After the attack, authorities evacuated 50,000 people from the building.

8 1994-O.J Simpson; double murder ۞ He killed his ex-wife and one of her friends. ۞ Nicole's (ex-wife) dog found the slaughtered bodies. ۞ Both Victims were stabbed to death. ۞ They both died in front of Nicole’s condo. ۞ It was sometime after 10:00pm Sunday night of June 12, 1994.

9 1995-Oklahoma City Bombing 168 people died, over 500 wounded. out of the 168 people that died, 19 children died. The Terrorist were home grown. It happened April 19 th, 1995 at 9:00.

10 1996-Mad Cow Disease ∞ 1986 mad cow disease was first identified. ∞ mad cow disease hit Britain harder then anywhere else. ∞ 180,000+ of mad cow was diagnosed in Britain's Veterinary Laboratory. ∞ More then 170,000 cattle in England, Scotland and Wales have contracted Mad Cow Disease since 1988

11 1997-Princess Diana Dies In Car Crash ∞ Princess Diana died in a car crash. ∞ She was with Her bodyguard, Her friend, and her driver. ∞ Her friend (fayed) and the driver died instantly. ∞ Diana was rushed to the hospital. ∞ She died later in that hospital.

12 1998-Titanic nominated for the most successful movie ever. ∞ Titanic (the movie) is based from titanic ( the boat). ∞ Titanic (the boat) hit an ice burg, causing it to sink. ∞ But, it didn’t sink until 3 hours afterward. ∞ The movie is a romantic film. ∞ The Titanic (movie) had 3 Oscar nominations.

13 1999- columbine killing spree ∞ Killing spree happened April 20, 1999 on a Tuesday. ∞ The killers were Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18. ∞ Prom was on the 17 th, some posters were scratched out on the date and instead said “April 20 th, its coming” ∞ The morning of the 20 th, the morning announcements went on like usual, but at the bottom of the screen, it said “today was not a good day to be here”

14 Killing Spree continued.. ∞ They put the bombs in the cafeteria. ∞ The bombs went off, but when people tried to run, they were shot. ∞ 13 people died. ∞ Several wounded.


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