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1 Welcome to Electronics Len Trombetta Be sure to pick up… - Syllabus - Blackboard handout.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to Electronics Len Trombetta Be sure to pick up… - Syllabus - Blackboard handout."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to Electronics Len Trombetta Be sure to pick up… - Syllabus - Blackboard handout

2 2 Major Topics in ECE 3455  Signals and amplifier models Frequency Response  Operational amplifiers  Diodes and nonlinear circuits  Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) Biasing Signals  Circuit models for devices

3 3 Relation to ECE 2300/2100  Theory vs. Practice  Lecture/Lab  Level of difficulty  Doing the homework: Its not about the grade…

4 4 Homework  Homework is how you figure out what’s going on  In writing quizzes and exams, I will assume you have done (and understand) the homework  Don’t leave homework until the last minute  Homework will be graded, but it’s not about the grade  Homework must be neat and conform to notation and other class standards, or credit will be subtracted

5 5 Assignments and Grading  Homework (11)  In-class quizzes (6)  Midterm exams (2 – Saturday afternoons)  Final exam  Lab grades Informal reports (6) Project/formal report (team project/individual report) Due at close of lab on the date shown in the schedule

6 6 Blackboard and e-Mail  Blackboard will be used for communications as well as posting of assignments, class notes, etc.  I will assume that your alias is functioning. I will NOT track you down on hotmail, yahoo, gmail, …

7 7 My Expectations  You should come to class on time Homework is due at the START of class. Late homework is not accepted, so… Quizzes are given at the start of the class.  Your work should be neat and carefully done: Credit will be subtracted from homework, quizzes, exams, and lab reports for… work that is difficult to read or follow graphs that are not properly labeled or difficult to read incorrect or missing units incorrect notation

8 8 My Approach to Teaching  I would rather be a colleague than an administrator. Faculty responsibilities Teaching Guidance “Certification” Student responsibilities Professionalism Curiosity Conscientiousness

9 9 How Students Think…  Engineering students are comfortable with… Doing calculations Simple algebraic manipulations Details (as opposed to “the big picture”)  Engineering students are not comfortable with… Analysis Troubleshooting “Advanced math” As a result, engineering students don’t like…

10 10 Design  Design generally involves open-ended problems. Insufficient information Many possible solutions  Design requires the designer to think about whether his/her creation makes sense. We will have some “design” problems on homework and quizzes/exams, and a team project.

11 11 Use the Professor  I’m here to help. Come to see me. Office hours after class or other times by appointment E-mail Random visits: If my door is open and I’m not off to a meeting, we can talk.

12 12 Keys to Success  Do the homework  Keep up with the material and the class  Read the book  Use available resources Notes Old exams Supplements

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