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Welcome to our class Unit 1 Where are you from? Topic 1 Section C.

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2 Welcome to our class

3 Unit 1 Where are you from? Topic 1 Section C

4 A : What is his/her name? B : His/Her name is… A : Where is he/she from? B : He/She is from…

5 England Diana What’s her name? Her name is Diana. Where is she from? She is from England.

6 the U. S. A. Bush What’s his name? His name is Bush. Where is he from? He is from the U.S.A.

7 .. Japan Xiao Wanzi What’s her name? Her name is XiaoWanzi. Where is she from? She is from Japan.

8 Canada Dashan What’s his name? His name is Dashan. Where is he from? He is from Canada.

9 Guess !

10 What’sthis What’s this? telephonenumber

11 number n. 号码,数字,数量 telephone n. 电话(机)

12 (1)telephone 常被缩写为 phone 。 (2)telephone 在名 ( 卡 ) 片,书 籍等上面,并且后面跟上号码 时,常常缩写为 Tel: ,再加上 号码 ( 数字 ) 。 For example: Tel: 13938765772

13 0 zero one two three four five

14 six seven eight nine ten

15 6 7 8 9 10 nine 0 1 2 3 4 5 seven eight six five ten zeroonetwothreefour

16 nine three four five seven two zero one eight You’re great!

17 6 9 7435 602 831 4521 32194 786635 1084557 6 9 74 35 602 8314521 32194 78663 5 108455 7 63716422

18 Let’s read these numbers.( 朗读这些数词) 59732236680653660215 26554946140548925897 Can you solve the addition problems? ( 你会做下列加法题吗 ? ) Example ( 例如 ): --What’s six and one? –It’s seven. 1.–What’s two and three? –It’s _____. 2.--What’s zero and nine? –It’s _____. 3.--What’s four and three? --It’s _____. 4.--What’s one and seven? –It’s _____. five nine seven eight


20 如何询问别人电话号码 What’s +物主代词+ telephone number ? 某人电话号码是多少? 答语用: It’s /物主代词+号码, 或直接用号码回答。 Example: What’s your telephone number? My telephone number is …

21 This is Kangkang. He is from China. His telephone number is (010) 8267-6790.

22 What’s his/her name? His/Her name is … Where is he/she from? He/She is from… What’s his/her telephone number? His/Her telephone number is…

23 Example: A: What’s his name? B: ______________. A: ______________? B: He is from ________. A: What’s his telephone number? B: ____________________ _____________. His name is Bush Where is he from the U.S.A. His telephone number is 010-374825874 Tel:010- 374825874

24 ID Card Name: Zhang Yang From: China Age: 25 Tel: 13938765772 QQ: 124429046 Make an ID card for yourself. Whose card is the most beautiful? 为自己制作精美的名片 ( 比赛谁的最精致)

25 A suggestion: Make an address note for class.( 课后任务 ) 建议 制作班级同学通讯录。

26 Thank you for listening! Zhang Yang 2007.9

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