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Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 1 LCLS Accelerator Readiness Review Control System for Injector Commissioning.

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Presentation on theme: "Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 1 LCLS Accelerator Readiness Review Control System for Injector Commissioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 1 LCLS Accelerator Readiness Review Control System for Injector Commissioning Hamid Shoaee 31 October 2006

2 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 2 Outline Control System Scope and Organization Control system development life-cycle Injector Control System Installation Plan Controls Status for commissioning Summary

3 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 3 LCLS Control System is at WBS Level 3 John Galayda – Project Director Mark Reichanadter – Chief Engineer ----------------------------------------------------- Steve Milton – ANL Project Director Richard Bionta – LLNL Project Director 1.2 Injector Manager Eric Bong 1.4 Undulator Manager Steve Milton 1.5 X-Ray ODT Manager Richard Bionta 1.6 End Station Stefan Moeller 1.3 LINAC Manager Eric Bong e-Beam Dave Shultz Photon-Beam John Arthur There are Controls Components in every WBS Level 2 Conventional Facilities Jess Albino Controls Manager Hamid Shoaee 1.2.2 Injector Controls 1.3.2 Linac Controls 1.4.2 Undulator Controls 1.5.2 XTOD Controls 1.6.2 XES Controls

4 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 4 The Scope of LCLS Control System The Controls scope extends from the connection to the beam line components to the Control Room (MCC), including: Cable plant, racks, wiring, termination Global systems Magnet power supplies and control Vacuum Timing Networks, Servers, Control Room upgrades Safety systems Personnel Protection Machine Protection Beam Containment

5 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 5 LCLS Control System Scope… Beam Instrumentation & Diagnostics BPM Profile monitors and other beam imaging systems Toroid charge monitors Wire scanners Bunch Length Monitor High level applications software, physics modeling, feedback systems Control Room Operations Software Electronic log books Data archiving and history buffers Alarm management and status displays Configuration control Problem reporting and tracking

6 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 6 LCLS Controls Group Staffing The control system development is performed by a matrixed group of about 50 engineers and technicians organized in two dozen engineering teams Each multi-disciplinary team manages the full product lifecycle from specification and design to engineering development, production, installation and commissioning Following a recent re-organization, the LCLS & SLAC controls effort have been integrated into one Controls Department LCLS Controls Group is now fully integrated & matrixed within the SLAC Controls Department The control system development, maintenance and sustaining engineering will be performed by the same department which has been responsible for other projects at SLAC

7 LCLS Controls is matrixed within the Controls Department

8 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 8 Control System Development Life-cycle Documents All documents are available on line… Physics Requirements Document (PRD) – for each system the requirements are specified in detail by a cognizant physicist. These are reviewed and signed by relevant system managers Engineering Specifications Document (ESD) – the specifications follow directly from the PRD and include a detailed list which will drive the implementation Interface Control Document (ICD) – lists the interface between the system under development and all other systems interfacing with it

9 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 9 Control System Development Life-cycle Reviews Conceptual Design Review (CDR) – Review of the proposed system architecture Preliminary Design Review (PDR) – Review of the detailed design including hardware & Software components Final Design Review (FDR) – Review of complete system as will be implemented, including testing strategies, etc.

10 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 10 Control System Development Life-cycle Process PRD → ESD, ICD and high level system architecture proposal →CDR →Detailed system design, equipment specification (& prototyping if necessary) →PDR →Procurement, final engineering implementation, user interface development, test plans →FDR →Bench testing, validation and verification →Field installation →System integration tests

11 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 11 Example Process: Vacuum Controls Development Life-Cycle Requirements Use existing controls for linac vacuum hardware Remote control and status in EPICS for all new hardware Local control and status for all new hardware Interlock gate valves with gauges Notify MPS when a gate valve is not open Shut off klystron modulators when waveguide pressure exceeds a threshold Close all valves in a PPS region if that region is set to controlled or permitted access

12 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 12 Vacuum Controls Conceptual Design

13 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 13 Vacuum Controls External Interfaces Valve status to MPS: Shut off beam when valve is not open (MPS ICD, Vacuum Controls ESD) Waveguide vacuum status to modulator: Shut off modulator when WG vacuum is bad (Vacuum Controls ESD) Access state from PPS: Close valves when in controlled or permitted access (Vacuum Controls ESD)

14 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 14 Vacuum Controls Design and Review Stages Vacuum safety review – September 2005 Safety review of all vacuum components Audience: Vacuum experts and safety experts from several SLAC departments Internal design review – November 2005 Early review of vacuum controls plan Audience: SLAC controls department Vacuum Controls Requirements document – March 2006 Final design review – April 2006 Review of vacuum system controls hardware Audience: Control system experts and vacuum experts from SLAC

15 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 15 The development life-cycle is driven by a detailed Schedule

16 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 16 Testing Program Vacuum equipment bench testing Pump controller load tests Gauge controller tests Valve control panels will be tested when delivered Intra-rack wiring testing Most intra-rack wiring was tested before the racks were sent to Sector 20 Remaining wiring will be tested after PLC crates are installed System testing to be done in December All PLC interlocks will be tested after PLC programming is finished Detailed testing procedures not yet developed End to end testing in January-February

17 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 17 Vacuum Hardware Status Date Needed: January 2007 Progress to date: Assembled test stand: PLC, gauge controller, pump controller, IOC Installed all long haul cables Procurement and bench testing of COTS vacuum controllers finished Most equipment installed in racks in Sector 20 (exceptions: PLC crates, valve control panels) Intra-rack wiring complete Remaining work: Make and install vacuum pigtail cables (in progress) Install PLC crates in Sector 20 (when programming complete) Fabricate valve control panels (in progress); install in Sector 20 Install wiring to provide vacuum interlocks to RF system

18 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 18 Vacuum Software Status Date Needed: January 2007 Progress to date: Software requirements determined (Vacuum Controls ESD) EPICS device support mostly complete: EPICS ↔ PLC: done (using ether-ip from SNS) EPICS ↔ Vacuum Controllers: nearly done (using streamdevice from SLS) Test stand PLC programming in progress Test stand IOC development in progress Remaining work: PLC programming (in progress) EPICS databases and EDM screens (in progress) System testing (formal test plan to be written)

19 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 19 Magnet Power Supply Control Final Design Review – March 30, 2006 Documentation – drawings, wire lists, ELPs, Web site (>90% complete) System Integration and checkout begins – Nov 13, 2006 Injector and BC1/LI21- 2007 Commissioning 89 new magnet ps systems 6 Intermediate PS, 10kW or 20kW rated (5 Injector, 1 BC1) 83 new MCOR systems (55 Injector, 28 BC1) 6 new double-bay racks Installed in Sector 20: Sep 24, 2006

20 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 20 Magnet Power Supply Design Documentation Status DC Cables EI (Electrical Interconnect), CAPTAR list, power supply spreadsheet – all complete Racks, power supplies, PS controllers VME/PLC crates, modules and terminal server Specifications, front views and manufacturer’s drawings/manuals, EPICS/VME integration documents PLC wiring diagram undergoing some changes Hazard analysis completed – requested labels from CEF Manuals, cable lists AC Power One lines, panel-board schedules

21 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 21 Modified S21 QE System – Design Documentation Status DC cables On modified EI diagram Racks and accessories Existing – one front view needs updating Power supplies and controllers Bulk PS Isolation chassis and QE201/301 magnet reversing / shorting switch chassis wiring diagrams AC power Existing 120VAC control

22 Magnet Power Supply System Architecture OPI SCP Ethernet (LCLSnet) EPICS IOC VME Crate CAMAC SLC Micro VMS Linux SLC net Alpha CA Server Standalones SCOR Bulk PSPS Bulk PS Large PS Controller MCOR SLAC Ethernet PS Controller PS (LEBnet) MCOR Protection PLC Ext. Interlocks

23 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 23 Magnet Power Supply Pre-Installation Test - B24 Purpose – Verify wiring, basic operation as integrated systems Controller Power Supply- Local Mode BX01,02 (pps) and BXH1,2,3,4 successfully tested PLC, 3 MCOR bulk power supplies, MCOR12/30s BXS, SOL1, SOL2 and BX11,12,13,14 Network Integration Ethernet Nodes IOC, Crate PLC, Terminal Server, Intermediate PS Controllers Terminal Server IOC, Intermediate PS Controllers Controller Power Supply - Remote Mode VME, PLC, 3 MCOR bulk power supplies, MCOR12/30s Completion September 24, 2006

24 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 24 Bench testing is accomplished with Operations software

25 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 25 Magnet Power Supply System Integration Field Test Plan Three weeks needed in timeframe Hi pot DC cables DC cable / magnet polarity checks B and V Run Intermediates in Local Mode to verify transductor polarity Run Intermediates and MCORs in Remote Mode Addressing is correct (configuration control) Voltage and current compliance All readbacks are functional Klixon, water flow, ground current interlocks function and display correct status Tune response of each system

26 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 26 Magnet Power Supply Schedule

27 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 27AASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line Injector Controls Installation Complete Gun/Inj./BC1 Commissioning Gun/Inj./BC1 Install (8/21 – 2/20) linac/BC2 Install Inj./Linac/BC2 Commissioning LTU/und. Install 2006200620072007 LTU/und. hall “ready” ControlsCheckout LTU/und. Commissioning First Spont. Light 20082008 Oct. 19, 2006

28 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 28 Controls will be available for Pre-Beam Checkouts Vault and Linac Checkouts Power on access: Check polarity of magnets Read-backs, Motion controller: Exercise motion-control Screen camera images: Use Alignment laser to define screen center Pre-Beam preparation Laser stabilization system Fiducializing of real cathode location w.r.t virtual cathode LLRF for Gun, L0a, L0b (Volt. feedback, Phase Lock) Start conditioning (Gun, L0a, L0b) when PPS ready Dark current measurement Vacuum pumps and gauges reading available Feedback loops for gun temperature stabilization

29 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 29 Injector Control System Installation Almost all procurement is complete Controls installation is taking place in several stages Installation of cable plant. Phase I – Injector (Apr. ’06 thru Jun. ’06) – Completed Phase II – Linac (Aug. ’06 thru Dec. ’06) – In Progress Installation of the electronics racks. Installation of electronics chassis, modules, and intra-rack wiring Installation of the Controls software on the production servers

30 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 30 Phase II Cable Plant Currently in progress Will be completed in BC1 Area Phase I Cable including Laser Room Completed in June

31 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 31 All electronics racks for injector controls have been installed

32 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 32 Injector Controls Status Magnet power supply control hardware & software Final Design Review conducted successfully Hardware installation is complete EPICS Software – almost complete and tested System Integration on Nov 10, 2006 Vacuum control system all electronics installed, software nearing completion Timing system Procurement completed Two test stands are equipped and available Tasks in progress Hardware testing – jitter, Applications software

33 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 33 Injector Controls Status Safety Systems PPS LCLS Injector PPS Reviews are Complete The Radiation Safety Committee has approved the design based on PLC The design is complete and installation is in progress Injector MPS Using existing linac infrastructure Hardware procurement is almost complete Installation will be completed in early December BCS Prevents radiation from ‘escaping’ the shielding enclosure Protection of safety-critical collimators and stoppers Hardware is nearing readiness for installation in November

34 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 34 Injection Laser Stabilization System The injector laser stabilization system includes two feedback loops The loop operates @ 1 Hz, and the camera is synced to 120Hz. The prototype of the first loop has been tested for several months and works well. Actuator A1 Camera A Laser Actuator A2 Actuator B1 Actuator B2 Camera B Spiricon

35 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 35 Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics Beam profile imaging system hardware and software currently being tested BPM electronics in fabrication Toroid, Faraday cup – design is complete, electronics fabrication in November Bunch length monitor – commercial electronics are on hand, SLAC designed digitizer will be available in November Wire Scanners – Hardware Tested (without beam), Calibrated, and currently being installed, software is almost complete

36 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 36 Injection Wire Scanners after Assembly

37 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 37 LLRF Hardware Available for Injector Turn-on Linac Sector 0 RF Upgrade All 3 RF Chassis Installed Sector 20 RF distribution system equipment near completion LLRF Control and Monitor System most components either ready or in fabrication Beam Phase Cavity 3 units Complete Phase and amplitude control and detection software is complete; feedback loops ready RF Gun Temperature Feedback – In Design

38 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 38 High Level Applications Software Combination of rich existing controls software and new applications developed in MATLAB

39 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 39

40 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 40 Injector Controls Installation Summary A number of Injector Controls sub-systems have been successfully installed – most of the cable plant, racks, power supply controls, vacuum, most of the PPS A large number of subsystems are ready for installation – laser control, wire scanners, profile monitors and beam imaging system The remaining systems will be available for installation in November and early December – BCS, MPS, BPM, Toroid, Timing, applications software

41 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 41 Operation Software The Main Control Center (MCC) software will be primarily the existing linac system which has been in use at SLAC for over 20 years All operators are very experienced in the use of the system In the case of new LCLS components, we have provided a bridge to make the new system available through the legacy control system Controls engineers will be available on day shifts to assist physicists and operators during commissioning

42 Hamid Shoaee Control LCLS ARR Oct 31, 2006 42 Summary The installation of the injector controls will be complete in December All controls subsystems will be available and tested for pre-beam checkout and March commissioning The integration of controls effort at SLAC is ensuring the availability of required expertise and resources to complete the control system development and installation The control system development, maintenance and sustaining engineering will be performed by the same department to ensure continuity

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