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School Improvement “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance” February 2010 Detroit Public Schools Diane Fleming, Regional Superintendent Arveneda.

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2 School Improvement “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance” February 2010 Detroit Public Schools Diane Fleming, Regional Superintendent Arveneda McDonald, Program Supervisor

3 What is the Michigan School Improvement Process?

4 1.Conduct Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Gather / Study 2.Create School Improvement Plan Planning 3.Implement School Improvement Plan Do (doing what we said we would do in the plan) 4.Evaluate School Improvement Plan Gathering data to review results & plan for next steps What is the Michigan School Improvement Process Seems pretty simple, doesn’t it!? Let take a closer look...

5 Conducting the CNA The Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) is a way of looking at the “current state” of your school in an organized / systemic fashion. The CNA will help a school align these system challenges with the student achievement goals the school will establish. Ensuring that your systems are aligned with the elements of effective schools, to support your instructional program goals and objectives, is the first step to establishing the continuous school improvement process. ~ Michigan Department of Education.CNA.SIP.Revised.v12.2009

6 In Michigan the CNA consists of 5 Components:  School Data Profile  School Data Analysis  School Process Profile - this component can be met by the completion of one of the following: - School process Rubrics (90) or - Education Yes! Subset (40) or - Standards Assessment Report (SAR) or - Self Assessment (SA)  School Process Analysis  Summary Report

7 Creating the School Improvement Plan The School Improvement Plan (SIP) has been designed to provide schools and districts with a common planning template that addresses student learning and system needs that have been identified through the schools' Comprehensive Needs Assessment. It has also been designed to address any federal, state and locally required elements that must be contained in a School Improvement Plan. Review your institution information. Complete the Vision, Mission, and Belief Statements for your institution. Review your institution's current goals. If necessary, click on "Manage Goals" to update the goals.

8 Creating the School Improvement Plan Goal Name Objective Strategy Activity Fiscal Resources

9 A well thought out plan can be your best ally in the future assisting you with making good decisions especially when it comes to deciding the how's, when's and where's of allocating your resources. It can also save you time and trouble in making “heat-of- the-moment” decisions in the mist of everything else going. Data-driven decision making / planning has already been done! Implementing the SIP

10 Your School Improvement Plan should be: Shared with all stakeholders – every staff person should have a copy The focus for all School Improvement Team Meetings (monthly?) A Major Area of interest during all Staff Meetings (weekly) The Guide during all Grade-level, Content-area, School Leadership, Cluster Meetings, etc. The Reference Manual for all your Budget / Administrative Meetings Did you bring your 2009-10 SIP with you today?

11 Evaluation Where are we now (status) and did we reach our goals? (Evaluation and Revisions) What do we want students to know and be able to do? What worked? Why? Do we need to continue this? What did not work? Why? How can we revise this? Do we need to continue this? WHAT ARE OUR NEXT STEPS IN OBTAINING OUR GOALS NEXT YEAR!?

12 Dates to Remember EdYes! (40) & SA (process profile) was due to DPS February 12, 2010 School Data Profile - (pages 1-28)* School Data Analysis - (pages 29-30)* Completed by March 26, 2010 School Improvement Plan - May 28, 2010

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