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Teaching Schools Alliance Science Lead Network. November 15 th 2013 Science Learning Centres and National STEM Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Schools Alliance Science Lead Network. November 15 th 2013 Science Learning Centres and National STEM Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Schools Alliance Science Lead Network. November 15 th 2013 Science Learning Centres and National STEM Centre

2 Opportunities for accreditation.

3 Science Learning Centres and National STEM Centre Teacher and Technician Recognition Scheme

4 Objectives of the scheme promote high quality science teaching emphasise the importance of STEM Continuing Professional Development contribute to a successful career

5 Benefits for pupils for individual staff members for schools, senior leaders, parents and governors

6 Tiered system of awards Level one Level two Level three Effective science teacher/technician (EST) National expert science teacher/technician (NEST) Leading science teacher/technician (LST) Nationally recognised expert Makes national contribution to science CPD Effective teacher/technician Able to contribute to the CPD of others Strong record in CPD Strong classroom teacher/technician For those teachers not yet ready to achieve EST: “Improving science teacher/technician” (IST) Someone who has registered with the TRS Is taking ownership of own subject-specific CPD, and undertaking equivalent of four days a year Has a (max 2 year long) plan of action to get themselves to being a consistently good science teacher

7 Clear and logical criteria CategoryEffective science teacher/technician (EST) Leading science teacher/technician (LST) National expert science teacher/technician (NEST) CPD undertakenEquivalent of four days/year Some SLC/STEM Centre CPD, but also CPD delivered elsewhere Equivalent of 10 days/year Some SLC/STEM Centre CPD but also CPD delivered elsewhere Equivalent of 10 days/year Includes delivery of CPD Some SLC/STEM Centre CPD but also CPD delivered elsewhere CPD plannedClear commitment to own subject-specific CPD Evidence of plan for improvement Clear commitment to own subject-specific CPD Evidence of sharing CPD with colleagues Clear plan for improvement Clear commitment to subject- specific and leadership CPD Evidence of delivering CPD nationally Clear plan for improvement Quality of teaching /practise Consistently goodGood with excellent featuresConsistently excellent ImpactDemonstrable on own studentsDemonstrable within own classroom AND wider school Demonstrable within own classroom, wider school and beyond Sign-offHead of department (Secondary) or Headteacher (Primary) HeadteacherHeadteacher and key external referees

8 Assessed using a rigorous process AwardAssessment process Effective science teacher/technician (EST) Light touch review process Self-assessment with head of department or headteacher sign-off Quality assurance from Myscience Leading science teacher/technician (LST) Self-assessment by candidate, endorsed by increased level of input by line manager, signed off by the headteacher Panel review of applications by Myscience National expert science teacher/technician (NEST) Self-assessment by candidate, endorsed by external referees, and signed off by headteacher Panel review of applications by Myscience Shortlisted candidates to be interviewed by telephone to confirm details / answer outstanding questions N.B: At all levels: it will be possible for candidates to be unsuccessful. Feedback will be provided, along with support for re-submission if required.

9 Trial in 2012 - 13 Three National Expert Awards: Phil Wilson, Technician, Broadgreen International School Hannah Belben, Science Teacher, Ringwood School Daniel Waind, Advanced Skills Teacher, Woodhey School 17 Leading Science Teacher Awards 7 Leading Science Technician Awards

10 Now open for entries

11 Developing opportunities An award scheme for schools. An award scheme for CPD providers

12 Myscience is developing an award scheme which will… Recognise excellent provision in science education Stimulate improvement in science provision Recognise a school’s commitment to providing rich, excellent and continually improving science education for all students Put schools at the heart of science education improvement.

13 Key principles of the scheme… The award will be made up of three tiers …enabling progression, broadening participation, and motivating schools The application process will be straightforward and uncomplicated Register......Self evaluate……Apply……Award The bar will be set high …inevitably not all schools will be successful if they do not meet the criteria The award will be valid for three years …after which time it will lapse, and schools will need to reapply to continue their accreditation Successful schools will benefit from a range of opportunities …including networking events, access to local resources and inspiring speakers, an awards ceremony

14 We would like your help… Getting the criteria right for the awards scheme is important We want to ensure a balance between rigour, accessibility and fairness We also want the scheme to be aspirational: to encourage all schools to strive to being the best they can be as they teach science So, we would like your help in defining what a world class science department look like. Can you help?

15 How to get involved… If you are willing to be contacted by Myscience to help us to set the bar for the awards, please send an email to Rachel Dunford and John Frain They will then send you a template to complete which will allow you to define what world class secondary science looks like Thank you for your interest!

16 SLE development and training programmes.

17 Current Programmes. OFSTED ‘Maintaining Curiosity’ Leading and delivering effective professional development. Leading STEM in challenging contexts.

18 Leading in STEM in Challenging Contexts (NY705) three day course at the National Science Leaning Centre, York »03-04 February 2014 and 16 June 2014 two days on online support course designed to maximise participants ability to lead in a range of challenging contexts target audience is STEM teachers with leadership responsibilities working in a challenging contexts including departments : »where student performance requires improvement »serving disadvantaged communities »with staffing issues »undergoing change the course will provide participants with practical ideas and additional direction in how to develop teams, lead change and improve attainment and progress for students. ENTHUSE Award bursaries are available book now:

19 Developing opportunities SLE subject specific professional development programme. Leadership development programmes. Train the trainer events On line professional learning.

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