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Published byLawrence Wilcox Modified over 9 years ago
Outline Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN2
Recent Evolution June 2012: Official CERN Study Project – Mandate to identify best site for the AWAKE facility and write a design report. 25 March 2013: Submit AWAKE Design Report to CERN management and SPS Committee – Use the CNGS facility for AWAKE (not West Area). 9-10 April 2013: SPSC Meeting – Very positive feedback; List of questions – Answers sent back to referees Mid May 2013: several discussion with CERN management and finance group – Needed resources for AWAKE@CERN are fully included in the CERN Medium-Term Plan – AWAKE program has been stretched from 3 years to 5 years. 17-21 June 2013: Council week – MTP with AWAKE fully funded inside is approved. 25-26 June 2013: SPSC meeting – SPSC recommends AWAKE proposal for approval. 31 July 2013: IEFC meeting – Present detailed planning and manpower needs as agreed with various groups 28 August 2013: Research Board – Approval of the AWAKE experiment. Edda Gschwendtner, CERN3
201320142015201620172018 Proton beam- line Experimental area Electron source and beam-line Time-Scale Edda Gschwendtner, CERN4 Installation Studies, design FabricationInstallation Commissioning data taking Commissio ning data taking Time-scale for AWAKE as in the MTP Modification, Civil Engineering and installation Study, Design, Procurement, Component preparation Study, Design, Procurement, Component preparation
Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN5
Introduction AWAKE – A Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment at CERN Proof-of-principle R&D experiment proposed at CERN. First beam driven wakefield acceleration experiment in Europe First proton driven PWA experiment world-wide. Use high-energy protons to generate wakefields in the plasma cell at the GV/m level. Inject low energy electrons (~ 20 MeV) to be accelerated in the wakefield to multi-GeV energy range. Advantages of using protons as driver: single stage acceleration – Higher stored energy available in the driver (~kJ) – Electron/laser driven requires many stages to reach the TeV scale. Edda Gschwendtner, CERN6 Space charge of drive beam displaces plasma electrons. Plasma ions exert restoring force. Typical plasma density of n p = 10 15 cm -3 plasma wavelength p =1mm Maximal electric field: E z,max = N protons/bunch / z (rms bunch length) Scaling factors: high charge: E acc ~N, short bunches: E acc ~1/ z, high plasma density: n e ~1/ z 1/2 + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - +++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ - - - - - -- -- Ez Principle : drive beam (p + ) e-e-
Introduction Need very short proton bunches (order of ~mm) for strong gradients – Today’s proton bunches have lengths above ~10cm. Producing short proton bunches not possible today without major investment. Instead, modulate a long proton bunch. – Microbunches are generated by a transverse modulation of the bunch density (transverse two-stream instability). Naturally spaced at the plasma wavelength. Self-modulation instability (SMI). Edda Gschwendtner, CERN7 Proton beam: drive beam (12cm) SMI: Modulated in micro-bunches (1mm) after ~several meters drives the axial electric field. Laser pulse: 1) Ionization of plasma and 2) Seeding of bunch modulation. Using the same laser for electron photo-injector allows for precise phasing of the e - and p bunches. Electron beam: accelerated beam Injected off-axis some meters downstream along the plasma-cell. Merges with the proton bunch once the modulation is developed. Plasma cell position z=0 m Plasma cell position z=10 m Plasma cell position z=4m Distribution of the beams in the plasma cell
AWAKE Experimental Layout Edda Gschwendtner, CERN electrons wakefield potential Inject 10-20 MeV electron beam acceleration of electrons to multi- GeV energy range after the plasma exit. 8 Gradient: 0.1-1GV/m
Parameter Edda Gschwendtner, CERN9 Plasma p-beam e-beam side- injection Run-scenarioNominal Number of run-periods/year4 Length of run-period2 weeks Total number of beam shots/year (100% efficiency)162000 Total number of protons/year4.86×10 16 p Initial experimental program3 – 4 years Laser beam: 30 fs, 800 nm, ~TW
AWAKE Measurement Program Perform benchmark experiments using proton bunches to drive wakefields for the first time ever. Understand the physics of self-modulation process in plasma. Compare experimental data with detailed simulations. Probe the accelerating wakefields with externally injected electrons, including energy spectrum measurements for different injection and plasma parameters. Study the injection dynamics and production of multi-GeV electron bunches. This will include using a plasma density step to maintain the wakefields at the GV/m level over meter distances. Develop long, scalable and uniform plasma cells. Develop schemes for the production and acceleration of short proton bunches for future experiments and accelerators. Edda Gschwendtner, CERN10
Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN11
CERN CNGS SPS Edda Gschwendtner, CERN12
Comparison CNGS – AWAKE CNGS is a running facility (since 2006) at the desired beam parameters. Proton beam and secondary beam-line fully equipped and running All services (CV, EL,…) running Underground facility Adequate site for AWAKE Parameters CNGSAWAKE Proton beam energy from SPS400 GeV/c Cycle repetition rate0.17 Hz0.03 Hz Number of extractions/cycle21 Protons per cycle2x2.4E133E11 Proton pulse length 10.5 s 1.5 ns Beam power (max.)510 kW640 W Beam size at target ( 0.5mm0.2mm Protons/year4.5E194.5E16 AWAKE: ~Factor 100 less protons/extraction ~Factor 1000 less protons/year Edda Gschwendtner, CERN 13
AWAKE at CNGS Edda Gschwendtner, CERN14 AWAKE experiment AWAKE beam dump ~1100m
AWAKE at CNGS Edda Gschwendtner, CERN Electron source area Access gallery to the experimental area CNGS target area (stays untouched) Future AWAKE experimental area (will be emptied) 750m proton beam line 15
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN16 Layout of the AWAKE Experiment
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN17 Layout of the AWAKE Experiment Plasma Cell: Rubidium Vapour Source Density uniformity of 0.2%
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN18 Layout of the AWAKE Experiment Ion Pump ? Dipole Magnet RF Gun Beam Direction Ion Pump Support Pedestal Synthetic Granite Girder Booster Linac 1m long YAG Quadrupole Magnet YAG Slit Faraday Cup Horizontal and Vertical Corrector Magnet UK proposal for Electron-Gun Electron source Electron transport
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN19 Layout of the AWAKE Experiment Electron Spectrometer
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN20 Layout of the AWAKE Experiment Diagnostics: OTRs, Electro-optical sampling, transverse coherent transition radiation, plasma density diagnostics.
Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN21
Collaboration: – Spokesperson: Allen Caldwell (MPI Munich) – Deputy spokesperson: Matthew Wing (UCL) – Experimental Aspects Coordinator: Patric Muggli (MPI Munich) – Theory & Simulation Coordinator: Konstantin Lotov (Budker Institute, Novosibirsk) – Beam Lines, Experimental Areas and Infrastructure Coordinator: Edda Gschwendtner (CERN) Non-CERN institutes responsibilities: – Provide plasma cells, plasma & laser & electron beam diagnostics. – Perform simulation work and data analysis. – Carry out the experiment. – Electron source: Application for European synergy grant to fund the electron source has been rejected: The reviewers were quite positive but the program is too much in line with the main CERN activities, which goes beyond the scope of the synergy program. Collaboration is currently evaluating other options for the electron source might come back to CERN. Organization Edda Gschwendtner, CERN AWAKE is an international scientific collaboration made up of 13 institutes and involving over 50 engineers and physicists (April 2013). Several institutes (>6) are expressing interest in participating in AWAKE. 22
CERN is host institute of the AWAKE experiment: Design, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and commissioning of the AWAKE facility, including safety matters during all phases of AWAKE, + dismantling. This includes: – Proton and electron beam line, laser transport lines, experimental area, associated services, civil engineering. – Necessary modifications of the civil engineering and general services of the AWAKE facility. – Optimization of the beam parameters. Production of the AWAKE proton beam in the SPS and in the transfer to the experimental area, within specifications. – Electron beam studies in the plasma cell. – Development of the diagnostic instrumentation along the beam lines and in the experimental area. – The coordination and installation of the experimental equipment delivered by the collaboration, including interface design and construction support. – The coordination of all radiation protection and safety aspects. – Coordinate the studies of all interfaces between the different systems (plasma cell, electron beam, proton beam, laser…), including studies on the measurement program – Take responsibility for all safety aspects. Prepare safety files. – Evaluate dismantling feasibility. CERN Responsibilities Edda Gschwendtner, CERN23
CERN AWAKE Project Structure WP3: Primary beam-lines Chiara Bracco CERN AWAKE Project Project leader: Edda Gschwendtner Deputy: Chiara Bracco WP4: Experimental Area Edda Gschwendtner WP2: SPS beam Elena Chapochnikova WP1: Project Management Edda Gschwendtner E. Gschwendtner, CERN24 A& T sector management: Engineering, Beams, Technology Departments Injectors and Experimental Facilities Committee (IEFC)
Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN25
WP1 Project Management Define the project responsibility matrix, the work breakdown structure, the schedule and the resources (manpower and material, including spending profile) Control the resource spending and work progress Quality control, documentation and final acceptance Safety file and safety officer. Edda Gschwendtner, CERN26 1AWAKE ProjectEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 1.1Management activities (EVM, APT, MTP, EDMS, resources…)Edda, Deputy Chiara BraccoEN/MEF, TE/ABT 1.2General planningSylvain GirodEN/MEF 1.3Safety 1.4Quality assuranceEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 1.5Design office, materials, subcontracting, fabricationSerge MathotEN/MME 1.6IntegrationYvon MuttoniEN/MEF 1.7Coordination, InstallationAns PardonsEN/MEF 1.8Project Team meetingsEdda, Chiara BraccoEN/MEF, TE/ABT 1.9Reviews-ConferencesFrancoise Girard-MaddouxEN/MEF 1.9.1Review 1.9.2Conferences Work Breakdown Structure
WP2 SPS Beam Edda Gschwendtner, CERN27 Example of Sub-WP: RF synchronization of proton, electron, laser beam. – Electrons from RF gun driven by a laser pulse derived from same laser system as used for ionization. Synchronization between laser pulse and electron beam at < 1ps can be achieved. – Synchronization of proton beam w.r.t. laser beam at ~100ps level is desired: SPS RF must re-phase and lock to a stable mode-locker frequency reference from laser system. 2AWK-SPS 2.1ManagementElena ShaposhnikovaBE/RF 2.1.1Overall coordination-management activitiesElena ShaposhnikovaBE/RF 2.1.2Safety 2.1.3CollaborationsElena ShaposhnikovaBE/RF 2.1.4Design office, materials, subcontracting, fabricationSerge MathotEN/MME 2.1.5IntegrationYvon MuttoniEN/MEF 2.1.6Coordination, Installation, Shutdown workDavid McFarlaneEN/MEF 2.1.7AWK-SPS meetingsElena ShaposhnikovaBE/RF 2.2Beam DynamicsElena ShaposhnikovaBE/RF 2.3RF timing studiesAndy ButterworthBE/RF Work Breakdown Structure laser pulse (30fs) proton bunch (1 ~300ns) gas Plasma Electron bunch (1 ~5ps) Collaboration with RF, timing, beam transport, experiment,… experts.
WP2 SPS Beam Example of Sub-WP: Bunch-compression studies. – Optimization of the beam parameters short bunch lengths, small transvers emittance, high intensity. Edda Gschwendtner, CERN28 Transverse emittance at SPS flat top. Flat top bunch length (4 ) before and after rotation. MDs in 2012: At design intensity of 3E11 protons/bunch we get reproducibly a transverse emittance of 1.7 m, an r.m.s. bunch length of 0.3 ns (9 cm) and a peak current of 60 A. Next steps: modifications in the RF beam control during LS1, RF voltage increase, beam dynamics simulations with realistic SPS impedance model… Collaboration with RF, experiment, simulation,… experts. E. Shaposhnikova, H. Timko et al, BE-RF
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN29 WP3 Proton and Electron Beam Line Work Breakdown Structure 3AWK-BTL AWAKE Beam Transfer Lines 3.1ManagementChiara BraccoTE/ABT 3.1.1Overall coordination-management activitiesChiara BraccoTE/ABT 3.1.2Safety 3.1.3CollaborationsChiara BraccoTE/ABT 3.1.4Design office, materials, subcontracting, fabricationSerge MathotEN/MME 3.1.5IntegrationYvon MuttoniEN/MEF 3.1.6Coordination, Installation, Shutdown work Sylvain Girod, David McFarlaneEN/MEF 3.1.7Configuration managementSonia Bartolome JimenezEN/MEF 3.1.8Layout databaseSonia Bartolome JimenezEN/MEF 3.1.9AWK-BTL meetingsChiara BraccoTE/ABT 3.2Beam dynamicsChiara BraccoTE/ABT 3.2.1Proton beam line optics 3.2.2Electron beam line optics 3.3MagnetsJeremie BaucheTE/MSC 3.3.1Proton beam magnets (refurbishment) 3.3.2Electron beam magnets (new magnets) 3.4Power ConvertersGilles Le GodecTE/EPC 3.4.1Proton beam power converters (refurbishment) 3.4.2Electron beam power converters (new PCs) 3.5Beam instrumentationLars JensenBE/BI 3.5.1Proton beam instrumentationLars JensenBE/BI 3.5.2Electron beam instrumentationLars JensenBE/BI 3.6Vacuum SystemJan HansenTE/VSC 3.6.1Proton beam line vacuum 3.6.2Electron beam line vacuum 3.7Interface btw different beam-linesChiara BraccoTE/ABT 3.7.1Laser-proton beams 3.7.2Ultrafast valves 3.8ControlsMarine Gourber-PaceBE/CO 3.9Electrical SystemsThierry CharvetEN/EL 3.9.1Cabling proton line 3.9.2Cabling electron line 3.10Cooling and VentilationMichele BattistinEN/CV 3.11Transport and HandlingCaterina BertoneEN/HE 3.11.1Engines for installation 3.12Civil EngineeringJohn OsborneGS/SE 3.13Radiation ProtectionHelmut VinckeDGS/RP 3.13.1RP StudiesEduard FeldbaumerDGS/RP 3.13.2General RPHelmut VinckeDGS/RP 3.13.3Environmental RPDGS/SEE 3.14Machine InterlocksBruno PuccioTE/MPE 3.14.1Magnet interlockMarkus ZerlauthTE/MPE 3.14.2Beam interlockBruno PuccioTE/MPE 3.15SurveyDominique MissiaenBE/ABP 3.16Access System, doorsRui NunesGS/ASE 3.17Alarms (fire, gas)Silvia GrauGS/ASE 3.18CommissioningChiara BraccoTE/ABT 3.19OperationKarel CornelisBE/OP 3.20Dismantling 3.21Operational SWBE/OP
WP3 Proton and Electron Beam Example of Sub WP: Proton beam line optics Edda Gschwendtner, CERN30 Example of Sub WP: Merging of laser and proton beam Changes of proton beam line only in the downstream part (~80 m) Meets experimental requirements: x,y = 200 m N = 3.5 mm mrad Momentum spread = 0.1% Merging area about 20 m upstream. Proton and laser beam must be coaxial in plasma cell. Keep minimum clearance needed to fit the mirror without intercepting the proton beam. Collaboration with laser, vacuum, beam transport, experiment, design,… experts. Collaboration with beam transport, magnet, beam instrumentation,… experts. C. Bracco, TE-ABT
Electron beam line in CERN Coordinate System Edda Gschwendtner, CERN31 Examples for Sub-WP of WP3 Proton and Electron Beam Example of Sub WP: Electron beam line optics Example of Sub WP: New magnets for electron beam line Transport the electron beam from the electron source to the plasma cell. Must be designed for side injection (long electron bunches) into the plasma cell and also on-axis injection (short bunches). Side injection scheme: electrons of long beam (>1mm) injected in small angle w.r.t. drive beam axis, are trapped and accelerated. Two bending magnets around the plasma cell: First one to merge electron beam with proton beam. Second one to bend non-captured electrons for diagnostic purposes. Collaboration with beam transport, experiment, simulations,... experts. Collaboration with beam transport, simulations, magnets,… experts. F. Velotti, TE-ABT
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN32 WP4 Experimental Area Work Breakdown Structure 4AWK-EXA Experimental Areas 4.1ManagementEdda GschwendterEN/MEF 4.1.1Overall coordination-management activitiesEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 4.1.2Safety 4.1.3Collaborations 4.1.4Design office, materials, subcontracting, fabricationSerge MathotEN/MME 4.1.5IntegrationYvon MuttoniEN/MEF 4.1.6Coordination, Installation, Shutdown workAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.1.7Configuration managementSonia Bartolome JimenezEN/MEF 4.1.8Layout databaseSonia Bartolome JimenezEN/MEF 4.1.9AWK-EXP meetingsAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.2Secondary Electron Beam dynamicsAlexey PetrenkoEN/MEF 4.3MagnetsJeremie BaucheTE/MSC 4.4Power ConverterGilles Le GodecTE/EPC 4.5Beam InstrumentationRhodri JonesBE/BI 4.5.1Proton Beam OTR 4.5.2Electron beam instrumentation studies 4.6Laser beam lineValentin FedosseevEN/STI 4.6.1Optics, geometry, layout 4.6.2Interface to laser source/collaboration 4.6.3Diagnostic system 4.6.4Laser cabin 4.7interface p/e/laser/plasmaEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 4.7.1Electron injection inside plasma studiesAlexey PetrenkoEN/MEF 4.7.2MeetingsEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 4.7.3ReportsEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 4.8Shielding, dumps and windowsAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.8.1Electron beam dumpAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.8.2Laser dumpAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.8.3ShutterAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.8.4Decay tube windowAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.8.5CNGS target chamber shieldingSylvain GirodEN/MEF 4.8.6FLUKA calculationsVasilis VlachoudisEN/STI 4.8.7Mechanical stress calculationsAntonio Perillo MarconeEN/STI 4.9Experimental equipment installationAns PardonsEN/MEF 4.9.1equipment supportsSylvain GirodEN/MEF 4.10Control roomSylvain GirodEN/MEF 4.11CNGS dismantlingSylvain GirodEN/MEF 4.12Vacuum systemJan HansenTE/VSC 4.12.1Secondary beam (p + e) 4.12.2laser beam lines 4.13ControlsMarine Gourber-PaceBE/CO 4.14Electrical SystemsThierry CharvetEN/EL 4.14.1Low Voltage Power 4.14.2Cabling 4.14.3Experimental cabling 4.15Cooling and VentilationMichele BattistinEN/CV 4.16Transport and HandlingCaterina BertoneEN/HE 4.16.1Crane 4.16.2Engines for installation 4.17Civil engineeringJohn OsborneGS/SE 4.17.1Laser tunnel 4.17.2Electron beam tunnel 4.17.3Electron source walls 4.18Radiation ProtectionHelmut VinckeDGS/RP 4.18.1RP StudiesEduard FeldbaumerDGS/RP 4.18.2General RPHelmut VinckeDGS/RP 4.18.3Environmental RPDGS/SEE 4.19Machine InterlocksBruno PuccioTE/MPE 4.19.1Magnet interlockMarkus ZerlauthTE/MPE 4.19.2Beam interlockBruno PuccioTE/MPE 4.20SurveyDominique MissiaenBE/ABP 4.21Access System, doorsRui NunesGS/ASE 4.22Alarms (fire, gas)Silvia GrauGS/ASE 4.23Ethernet, GSMMaryse da Costa, Aurelie PascalIT/CS 4.24CommissioningEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 4.25OperationEdda GschwendtnerEN/MEF 4.26Dismantling 4.27Operational SWBE/OP
Metal screen Key questions: How sensitive is side-injection to details of plasma wave structure? How many electrons will be captured and accelerated? What are the requirements for electron injector? (energy, emittance, bunch length, etc.) Side-injection simulation: This frame is co-moving with the proton beam Plasma wake-field potential (distance to the laser pulse) electrons Examples for Sub-WP of WP4 Experimental Area Sub-WP: Electron beam side-injection into the proton driven plasma wakefield Collaboration with beam transport, experiment, simulations, RF,… experts. A. Petrenko, EN-MEF
WP4 Experimental Area Example of Sub WP: Radiation Protection Issues Edda Gschwendtner, CERN34 e- beam gallery1.0e-3 pSv/p+5.7%3e11 300 Sv service ducts5.4e-4 pSv/p+7.8%3e11 162 Sv e- gallery service ducts Study of different beam loss scenarios at ventilation ducts (left) and electron beam tunnel (right) Implement AWAKE geometry Air-contamination studies ( needed for ventilation system design) Prompt dose rates Material activation studies Collaboration with RP, CV, access, integration,… experts. S. Cipiccia, E. Feldbaumer, DGS-RP
WP4 Experimental Area Survey data from March 2013 (measured dose rates in µSv/h) 35 80cm concrete shielding btw. CNGS target and AWAKE, removal of activated equipment, cleaning campaign for AWAKE area should allow classification as supervised radiation area. 1.3 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.5 3.5 42 16 4.5 16 80 7.5 20 22 10 120 55 5 12 20 65 Low occupancy radiation areas: Non- designated Supervised Simple controlled Limited stay CNGS target AWAKE experimental area Data: Courtesy of Heinz Vincke, DGS-RP Example of Sub WP: Preparation of CNGS Area for AWAKE Clean the CNGS area Remove shielding, empty area for modifications Collaboration with RP, transport, coordination,… experts.
WP4 Experimental Area Example of Sub WP: Civil Engineering: Electron beam tunnel, laser tunnel Edda Gschwendtner, CERN36 Start digging mid-2014
WP4 Experimental Area Example of Sub WP: Civil Engineering: Electron beam tunnel, laser tunnel Edda Gschwendtner, CERN37 Coordination with civil engineering, integration,… experts. NEW PROTON FOR “AWAKE” ELECTRON BEAM LINE FOR “AWAKE” TCV4 C.Magnier, EN-MEF
Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN38
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN39 20132014 2015 2016 2017 Cleaning; Removal of shielding, plugs, existing equipment Civil engineering: Electron beam and laser tunnel Experimental area installation: Plasma cell, BI, vacuum, exp. instrumentation, … Installation: p-beam magnets Install.: BI Install.: Vacuum Install.: Laser Cabling CV Commissioning Integration and mechanical design End Sept. 2016: p-beam for physics Electron beam First Preliminary Planning Marzia Bernardini
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN40 CNGS Preparation for AWAKE September 2013 – June 2014
Meeting Organization at CERN Weekly project team meetings – WP leaders, RP, safety… Weekly meetings for WP 3 (Proton and Electron Beam) and WP 4 (Experimental Area) – Some of those meetings will be dedicated meetings for the sub-WP. Depending on progress and need, dedicated meetings in WP1 (project management) and WP2 (SPS beam). Special meetings with specialist from the collaboration on specific items. Collaboration wide meetings 3 times/year. – 4 to 6 December 2013 at CERN. Indico page: EDMS page: Edda Gschwendtner, CERN41
Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN42
CERN Resources as shown in the Design Report Edda Gschwendtner, CERN43 All cost and manpower needs are provided by different groups. In addition input was given for start-date and duration of work for each group. No contingency included!! Total: 8488 kCHF = Material + industrial service: 6448 kCHF Fellows: 2040 kCHF
Budget Profile for AWAKE Edda Gschwendtner, CERN44 2013201420152016201720182019Total Fellows BE3021024021030720 DGS120 360 EN30120 90360 TE30180240150600 Total Fellows (kCHF)210630720450302040 Material BE6032049011010990 DGS1040 3010130 EN100447852922515447443327 GS48300130160638 TE1003466394963401921 IT55 Total Material (kCHF)100665185822761311807447061 Grand Total100875248829961761637449101 Person-Years0.94.4510.39.886.622.9535.1 Budget and manpower profile as in the MTP Note: AWAKE fellows are not GET fellows. Instead we got separate allocation on top of existing fellows. Fortunately no quota issues for AWAKE fellows!
Budget Codes Edda Gschwendtner, CERN45 Nr.DescriptionProjectPPAOrganic UnitBCDepGroupWBS Total (kCHF)LFC 1AWAKE management general: visitors, associates, travel, etc…AWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-MEF89131ENMEF 611 E. Gschwendtner - PL 2SPS Management, RF Beam dynamicsAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJBE-RF69940BERF 0E. Shaposhnikova 3RF timing & synchronization studiesAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJBE-RF69941BERF 50A. Butterworth 4Beam transfer lines: management, general, beam dynamicsAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJTE-ABT-BTP99251TEABT 0C. Bracco 5Magnets: proton, electron, sec.beamAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJTE-MSC-MNC99254TEMSC 378J. Bauche 6Power Converters: proton, electron, sec.beamAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJTE-EPC-MPC99255TEMPC 238G. Le Godec 7Beam Instrumentation: proton,electron, sec. beamAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJBE-BI64940BEBI 780L. Jensen 8Experimental Area: management, general, sec. beam dynamicsAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-MEF-LE89132ENMEF 0E. Gschwendtner 9Laser beam lineAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-STI-LP55650ENSTI 139V. Fedosseev 10Experimental area integr, install, coord, shielding, control roomAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-MEF-EBE89133ENMEF 535A. Pardons 11Mechanical design, drawingsAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-MME-DI55651ENMME 280S. Mathot 12VacuumAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJTE-VSC-IVM99257TEVSC 1160J. Hansen 13ControlAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJBE-CO66940BECO 100M. Gourber-Pace 14Electrical systemAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-EL55652ENEL 300T. Charvet 15CablingAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-EL55653ENEL 592T. Charvet 16Cooling and VentilationAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-CV-PJ55654ENCV 400M. Battistin 17Transport and HandlingAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJEN-HE-HH55655ENHE 470C. Bertone 18Civil EngineeringAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJGS-SE-CEP76174GSCE 448J. Osborne 19Radiation ProtectionAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJ DGRP 130H. Vincke 20Interlock system: beam, magnetsAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJTE-MPE99256TEMPE 145B. Puccio 21SurveyAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJBE-ABP61530BEABP 60D. Missiaen 22Access systems, doorsAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJGS-ASE-AC72174GSASE 60R. Nunes 23Fire, gas, safetyAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJGS-ASE-AS72574GSASE 130S. Grau 24Ethernet, GSMAWAKE-EXPFOT-PRJIT-CS47498ITCS 55M. da Costa FOT-PRJ SUM: 7061
Recent Evolution Introduction AWAKE at CNGS Organization Work Packages Planning Resources Summary Edda Gschwendtner, CERN46
Summary The AWAKE experiment at CERN is the first proton-driven wakefield acceleration experiment worldwide. – The result of AWAKE are crucial for future larger-scale R&D projects on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration. – The experiment opens a pathway towards plasma-based TeV lepton collider. AWAKE moves from design study phase to project phase! Design, installation, construction and commissioning of the facility. Milestones – Civil engineering: July 2014 – Finish facility installation: end 2015 – Installation of experiment + laser alignment, HW commissioning, dry run: Jan – Sept 2016 – Proton beam to plasma for physics: end Sept 2016 – Electron-beam: end 2017 Start now! – Integration, drawings, mechanical design, preparation of the CNGS area, beam-line studies, interface with plasma cell. Edda Gschwendtner, CERN47
Many thanks to all of you who have already contributed and to those who will join the project now. Edda Gschwendtner, CERN48 Looking forward to staying AWAKE with you for the next years!
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