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Red ICEAN A regional network amongst different actors and professionals in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes and facilitates the exchange.

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Presentation on theme: "Red ICEAN A regional network amongst different actors and professionals in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes and facilitates the exchange."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red ICEAN A regional network amongst different actors and professionals in Latin America and the Caribbean, which promotes and facilitates the exchange of experiences and BP in FNE, acting through a web-based platform

2 Red ICEAN and the FSN forum ■Red ICEAN is a regional space for discussion, but lacks tools and media for interaction ■Test-run ■Obtain quality, original feedback from the countries and regional initiatives + discussion on “hot topics” ■2 forums: July 2015 and June 2015 –Nutrition education as a strategy to strengthen family farming households and improve people's diets –What are Latin American countries doing to tackle the double burden of malnutrition effectively? ■Visibility to both networks

3 Red ICEAN and the FSN forum ■Build on existing forums and complement each other, rather than creating small- scale spaces ■Involve other regions: sharing and comparing ■Concept note: careful selection of topics (relevant, not very specific): what can be useful and what is of interest ■Webinars as background + continual training ■Follow up + evaluation



6 A quick note on food and nutrition education ■FNE has been recognized as a main determinant of success in FS and nutrition interventions. ■It is mentioned in many frameworks as a key intervention for improving and promoting healthy diets (ICN2, CELAC, NOURISHING, etc.) ■Aims at long-term improvements of dietary practices. ■What is it? "Any combination of educational strategies, accompanied by environmental supports, designed to facilitate the voluntary adoption of food choices and other food- and nutrition-related behaviours conducive to health and well-being; nutrition education is delivered through multiple venues and involves activities at the individual, community, and policy levels”. (Contento 2007)

7 FEDS (Food educators network) ■Derived from ENACT ■Concerned with food, food behaviour and food attitudes. ■Deals with the whole food cycle and its social, economic and practical effects on diet ■Created in September 2015 ■D-group ■Aims: open up discussion of some of the big food and NE issues, share materials, publications, articles and news of interesting interventions in progress. ■154 Members ■Zero resources!!!

8 FEDS ■What has been achieved? –Agreement on general principles of what a national FNE policy should look like –Review of 5 main policy frameworks on the inclusion of FNE (NOURISHING, ICEAN, ICN2, MILAN, CIRFHD) –Priority needs for FNE (i.e. public education, IYCF, schools, emergencies., health services, social protection, food services, etc.) ■What’s next? –Guidelines for advocacy –researching evidence base and creating policy briefs (resources needed)


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