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Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line Board Development Paul Allen.

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1 Presentation title: 32pt Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 1 line Board Development Paul Allen

2 Challenges Facing NHS Boards Increasing focus on good governance New legislation eg Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007 Many newly formed organisations and Board teams Historically, patchy provision of development opportunities for NED’s and Chairs Partnership working provider/supplier and local community Sub group dynamics e.g. Chair/Chief Executive and Execs/NED’s Talent/succession for key posts Accurate, relevant and timely data to aid decision making and hold the Executive to account Strategic vs. operational focus/agenda Clinical engagement in leadership

3 Optimal Governance Passive Confirming Engaged Interventional Operational VALUEVALUE Having a ‘grip’ not a stranglehold ROLE OF BOARD

4 National Provision For Boards Appointments Commission induction programme for Chairs and NED’s Eight hours of funded coaching for all new Chairs/Chief Executives and Executive Directors Non-Executive Director development programme to be piloted in 08/09 PCT whole Board/sub group development support as part of World Class Commissioning. Provision can be accessed via a national framework agreement of preferred suppliers Diagnostic tools available from NHS Institute e.g. Board tool and LQF 360 Commissioned research on high performing boards In View quarterly publication targeted at Board level leaders

5 Working With Suppliers Be clear on your development needs and outcomes sought Be realistic on time available for whole Board and individual development Use a diagnostic process for needs analysis Your needs as a Board are probably not unique, talk with SHA and other NHS colleagues A training programme may not be the solution! Ask to meet the people who will actually be delivering the programme Where possible procure from a list of approved national providers – e.g. World Class Commissioning or Leadership Framework Agreements Are there opportunities for using internal as well as external resources?

6 Board Development Diagnostic Leadership of the Board Team Work Delivery Focus On Core Business Engaging with Stakeholders What are our strengths? Where are the gaps? Development needs? Priorities? How shall we take forward?

7 Where Did Your Most Significant Learning Experience's Come From? 16% Training and Education 20% Hardships and Mistakes 22% Role Models/mentor etc 42% Challenging Work Assignments

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