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The Canterbury Tales EQ: What is a pilgrimage, and how can we use this as a “snapshot of time?” What is “everyman” and characterization?

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Presentation on theme: "The Canterbury Tales EQ: What is a pilgrimage, and how can we use this as a “snapshot of time?” What is “everyman” and characterization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Canterbury Tales EQ: What is a pilgrimage, and how can we use this as a “snapshot of time?” What is “everyman” and characterization?

2 The Canterbury Tales is… Collection of stories and a “snapshot of the Middle Ages” Characters go on a pilgrimage: religious journey to a shrine or holy place

3 Where are they going? Spring – time of new life 29 characters begin at the Tabard Inn in London Travel on horseback to the shrine of the martyr Saint Thomas á Becket at Canterbury Cathedral 55 miles


5 Looooong Way…. Host suggests the characters exchange tales to pass time which sets up the frame story – story that serves to bind together several different narratives 2 there, two back Winner gets a prize  “How I Met Your Mother”

6 These pilgrims represent many stations, stages, and social classes of life They represent “everyman” or an ordinary, typical human being (all of us), in our universal journey through life – Example- next year: college dorm; new job Who are they?

7 Characterization Chaucer reveals the personality of the characters by: how the character looks and dresses how the character speaks and acts how the character thinks and feels how others respond to the character ….through the use of his host Read pages 142-143

8 Reading Recap According to the narrator, when spring brings new life, what do people long to do? As you are about to start this new journey in life after graduation, what do you long to do?

9 “Burgess” – authority figure of a town “Spry” – lively 1. Lines 676-784. List at least 3 characteristics of the Host. 2.Read lines 785-803. How does the Host feel about the journey to Canterbury? (hint – lines 793-794)

10 “Deferred” - postpone 3. Lines 804-829. How will the best stories be measured? 4.Read lines 830-841. How will the Host act as “Governor”? 5.Lines 842-856. Why do you think the Host keeps reminding the pilgrims that they will pay if they break the rules?

11 The Office Overview: TV comedy that depicts the everyday lives of office employees in Scranton, PA Work for a paper company Although life in an office is dull and boring, the characters find a way to have fun

12 “ Beach Games” Going on a pilgrimage, or journey, to the beach Many different types of people The Host, Michael Scott, looking for traits of a perfect manager Prize = someone to take his job

13 The Host - Michael

14 Pam

15 Jim

16 Dwight

17 Andy

18 Stanley

19 Exit slip: After watching this episode, who would you hire for the manager position and why? Dwight Jim PamStanley Andy

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