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ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND PROTECTION Strategic Plan for 2011-2012 Portfolio Committee April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND PROTECTION Strategic Plan for 2011-2012 Portfolio Committee April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND PROTECTION Strategic Plan for 2011-2012 Portfolio Committee April 2011

2 OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Purpose of the Branch Strategic Goal to which the Branch is contributing Strategic Objectives and targets for 2011/2012 Questions /Answers 2

3 PURPOSE OF THE BRANCH Protect and improve the quality and safety of the environment to give effect to the right of all South Africans to and environment that is not harmful to health and wellbeing 3

4 GOAL Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced. 4

5 Branch Composition Regulatory Services Pollution and Waste Management Environmental Impact Management Air Quality Management 5

6 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS FOR 2011/12 SO 1: Improved compliance with environmental legislation  75 % of received DEA complaints and incidents processed and investigated  70 facilities inspected by Regulatory Services  75% of administrative enforcement actions resulting in compliance  4% reduction in the number of biodiversity related offences investigated and processed 6

7 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS FOR 2011/12 SO 1: Improved compliance with environmental legislation (cont…)  60 of 311 (19%) EMIs to undergo specialised training courses  50 local authority officials trained as EMIs  Compliance monitoring framework for NEMBA finalised  Compliance monitoring framework for NEMPAA finalised  Compliance monitoring framework for WHCA drafted  Increased level of compliance with biodiversity legislation 7

8 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS FOR 2011/12 SO 2: Less waste that is better managed  45% of paper & packaging put onto the market annually recycled  Set recycling targets percentage for lamps put onto the market  50% of tyres put onto the market annually recycled  Establish baseline for recovery of waste streams  Develop policy implementation tools for households with basic waste collection  Establish baseline for % increase in waste management spent  Section 8 of Waste Management Act brought into effect with regard to land remediated  Develop action plan for decreasing unlicensed waste disposal sites 8

9 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS FOR 2011/12 SO 3: Potential negative impacts of all significant developments prevented or managed  Gazette amendments to Chapter 5 of NEMA to address shortfalls on sec. 24C, sec 24G and activities undertaken in response to emergency incidents or natural disasters  88% of applications for Environmental Authorizations finalised within prescribed timeframes ( provided that no more than 400 applications are received in the year)  Finalize the Environmental Assessment & Management Strategy 9

10 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS FOR 2011/12 SO 3: Potential negative impacts of all significant developments prevented or managed  One EMF initiated for an area under development pressure and progress to draft status quo phase  One standard for environmental impact management developed  Ministerial approval for EAP registration authority  50 additional officials trained in EIM (a total of 324)  Framework and protocol developed for monitoring and enforcement of mining activities  MIP 10

11 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS FOR 2011/12 SO 4: Cleaner and healthy air  National Air Quality Indicator of 1.150  42 Air Quality Monitoring Stations reporting to SAAQIS 11

12 END 12

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