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2 Independent Quality Engineer on a Design-Bid-Build
Eric Kahlig

3 Our Mission Our Vision IQE
To provide easy movement of people and goods from place to place, we will: __________________________________ Take care of what we have; _________________________________ Make our system work better; Improve safety; Enhance capacity A long-term, reliable, professional and highly productive organization Our Mission Our Vision IQE

4 Our Guiding Principles
We will serve, innovate, and communicate with purpose. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We will be productive, lean, efficient and effective. We will utilize the public resources entrusted to us by satisfying the State's transportation needs. We will be the standard of excellence for winter maintenance. We will create a working environment based on trust and mutual respect. We will value the diversity of all ODOT people. We will work together — one team: the Ohio Department of Transportation. Our Guiding Principles IQE

5 Independent Quality Current surge in District in project
Turnpike Staffing levels – augmentation “like” Current QC/QA assigned to Contractor Asphalt , Concrete, Pipe IQE

6 ODOT’s IQF Projects Quality oversight by DB Contractor -Independent Quality Firm (IQF) Cleveland Innerbelt 1 (2010, $287M) Cleveland Innerbelt 2 (2013, $273M) Columbus Crossroads (2011, $200M) IQF performed STA quality functions for design and construction (but not Acceptance) Paradigm shift IQE

7 Independent Quality Engineer
Quality oversight by Contractor on DBB- Independent Quality Engineer (IQE) Differentiated (DB vs. DBB) IQF performed STA quality functions for construction only (but not Acceptance) Paradigm shift, though not as large IQE

8 Quick Comparison Function Design-Bid-Build Traditional With IQE
Design-Build With IQF Design QC Designer Design QA State Transportation Agency (ODOT) Independent Quality Firm Construction QC & CMS QC/QA Items Contractor Construction QA State Transportation Agency Independent Quality Engineer Quality Oversight na State Transportation Independent Assurance IQE

9 Pilot Project Pilot project LUC-275-04.33 – PID 93604
Smaller, less complex project 2014, $31.4M Reconstruction of I-75 Special Provision Partnering counts Enthusiastic ODOT PM Cooperative , experienced Contractor IQE

10 What’s same ODOT-provided design
IQE inspection and testing services same as ODOT or LPA Construction Progress of the work Inspection of construction work quality Testing Materials verification IQE

11 What’s different Contractor hires professional services firm with PE (& code of ethics) Contract Administration ($$$) retained by ODOT (data QO by ODOT) Pay Estimates (quantity data from IQE) Change Orders (draft data from IQE) Force Account (record keeping by IQE) Price Adjustments IQE

12 What’s different . . . Quality Management Plan – no work until approved Contract Administration Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Design - Change Control Construction IQE

13 ODOT Empowered IQE Independent firm - not owned Contractor
Has the authority and requirement to stop construction work if quality requirements are not being met Responsible for progress & quality reporting, materials management IQE

14 Contractor must allow IQE to . . .
. . . regardless of schedule and costs to the project Perform inspection, testing, and reporting - role Identify/resolve any non-conforming items found by IQE or ODOT’s QA Suspend construction work Reject material IQE

15 Quality Check Points Check of physical work and materials
Earthwork, Drainage, Paving, Structures, MOT, SWPPP, others Viewed as good practice by Contractor and IQE IQE

16 ODOT’s Role Quality Oversight
Validate/document the Contractor's Quality Control and the IQE's Quality Assurance processes Acceptance testing and inspection required by FHWA On-site test frequencies in SP, approximately 10% of the IQE Testing Off-site for precast, pre-stressed concrete, structural steel, asphalt, drainage Independent Assurance reviews IQE

17 ODOT’s Rights Suspend Work
Removal of Quality Management Personnel (Contractor and IQE) Removal of IQE firm for nonperformance All Work shall be suspended All payments withheld until IQE reestablished Re-establish a QMP and verify the Work in place Any delay considered a Non-excusable Delay IQE

18 SP Payment Lump Sum bid item “IQE” Change Orders 5% at QMP approval
Progress payment = 90% LS Amount x % Paid to Date for Work 5% Finalization of records Change Orders IQE compensated 3.5% for extra work IQE

19 Pilot Project Evaluation
Roles and Responsibilities Contractor PM and IQE PM are clear, after early adjustments Action: require training at outset next use Quality Management Plan Referenced and followed by all Actions Move some procedures wholly to the SP (pay procedure, QCPs) Add 60 days for QMP prep, review, approval IQE

20 Pilot Project Evaluation
Contractor’s Work No loss of quality Increased ownership by field staff who must sign QCPs IQE’s Work Progress reporting, testing as expected Early bumps to establish authority overcome Action: Pre-bid meeting followed by training at outset IQE

21 Pilot Project Evaluation
ODOT’s Work Developed comfort level with time and reduced their on-site presence District staff diligent in following the SP, especially for variance from normal Business Issues No issue reported with pay quantities Action: Consider alternate IQE payment method IQE

22 Clarifications/ Changes
SP Clarifications Contractor Schedule review Contractor supply survey equipment for IQE SP Change IQE compensation percentage on change orders based on type (some 0% some 5%) IQE

23 Modifications /New Approach
“A+B” selection A = Contactor’s unit price compensation B = IQE Quals and QMP - rated by ODOT IQE training required for consultants Consultants bring documentation tools IDRs Materials acceptance IQE

24 “Take-Aways” IQE/IQF – Chain of $ Concerns
“Can’t serve two masters” Not an issue to date Clarity in responsibilities Professional Engineering licensure requirement Personalities enabling functionality ODOT personnel accepting Contractor familiarity (accepting) IQE

25 “Take-Aways” Learning Curve Gaps in spec causing $ issues
“Go to the IQE first” Gaps in spec causing $ issues IQE

26 It works if all those involved want it to
Final Thought It works if all those involved want it to IQE

27 Questions? IQE

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