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Inland Northwest Business Travel Association Expand Your Leadership Influence 5 Steps to Unleash your Power as a Technology Enabled Leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Inland Northwest Business Travel Association Expand Your Leadership Influence 5 Steps to Unleash your Power as a Technology Enabled Leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inland Northwest Business Travel Association Expand Your Leadership Influence 5 Steps to Unleash your Power as a Technology Enabled Leader

2 @hduckworth #NYSAR


4  Integrate 5 Leadership Skills into WHY of technology  Identify technology tools that a travel manager can use to become more efficient and effective  Formulate a plan for effective use of technology tools  Demonstrate interconnectivity between you and your client/partners 5 Steps to Unleash your Power as a Technology Enabled Leader

5 Our Presenter today: Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP  2006 – 2007 MPI Chapter President  2007-2010 MPI Chapter Business Manager  2010 Leadership Solutions International  National Speakers Association  American Society of Association Executives  Certified Association Executive


7 Next Generation Partners/Clients/Employees

8 Technology Zone: Twitter @hduckworth www.Facebook/leadershipsolutionsinternational Use this as a place to learn and grow.


10 Step #1: Be Authentic @hduckworth



13 Step #2: Be Strategic Selecting Platforms

14 Linked In











25 Real Time Document Collaboration

26 Audio Communication


28 Poll Everywhere


30 Event Registration

31 Step #3: Focus on Message @hduckworth

32 Content is Everything

33 Tips Articles Humor Inspiration Past blogs Current Blog Quizzes Inspiration Bonuses Contests What should I post anyway?

34 What I post each week:

35 Step #4: Measure #of Followers (Relationships) #of Posts (Content) # of Platforms # of Responses (Engagement)


37 Bring it all together:


39 Step #5: Gratitude



42 An effective board of directors: ___EDUCATES____, ___________ and ___________________ on how to improve their lives and achieve the organizations goals.

43 An effective board of directors: ___EDUCATES____, ___CONNECTS____ and ___________________ others on how to improve their lives and achieve the organizations goals.

44 An effective board of directors: EDUCATES, CONNECTS ______INSPIRES________ others on how to improve their lives andachieve the organizations goals.

45 An effective board of directors: EDUCATES, CONNECTS INSPIRES others on how to improve their lives and achieve the organizations goals.

46 1. Be! Authentic 2. Be! Strategic selecting tools 3. Be! Focused 4. Be! Measuring 5. Be! Grateful A Technology Enabled Leader is:

47  Integrate 5 Leadership Skills into WHY of technology  Identify technology tools that a travel manager can use to become more efficient and effective  Formulate a plan for effective use of technology tools  Demonstrate interconnectivity between you and your client/partners  Keep technology simple and expand your leadership ability 5 Steps to Unleash your Power as a Technology Enabled Leader

48 Questions…. Thank You!


50 Thank you Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP Leadership Solutions International @hduckworth

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