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ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Advocacy for Statistical Capacity Building.

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Presentation on theme: "ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Advocacy for Statistical Capacity Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Advocacy for Statistical Capacity Building and Evidence-based Policy- making Presentation by PARIS21 Secretariat

2 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 About PARIS21 Set up in 1999 by the European Commission, IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Goal is to “develop a culture of evidence- based policy making and implementation which serves to improve governance and government effectiveness in reducing poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals”.

3 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 What makes for good statistical capacity building? Strategic planning (e.g., NSDS) crucial to statistical development –Addresses data limitations across whole national statistical system –Prioritises data needs –Harmonises all nat’l/int’l stat programmes –Integrates stats within policy / budgetary processes NSDSs emphasised at international fora: Marrakech, Hanoi roundtables

4 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 NSDS – some key points Provides a vision for where NSS should be in 5-10 years time Coherence framework and action plan for capacity building and for funding decisions Importance of coordination arrangements: across NSS and between donors Importance of leadership and a well planned process

5 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 NSDS as a country-level coherence framework ICP DHSMICS

6 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 NSDS as a country-level coherence framework ICP DHSMICS ICP DHSMICS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics

7 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Coordination of Statistical Activities in a Country Agri. Health Labour Edu.

8 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Coordination of Statistical Activities in a Country Agri. Health Labour Edu. NSDS

9 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Advocacy for evidence-based policy-making If statistics improve and are used to inform decisions, policies are more likely to succeed Good statistics are essential for the design and management of national policy frameworks Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Better statistics needed by donors to inform aid allocation and monitoring Investment in statistics will pay for itself many times over by improving the efficiency of resource allocation

10 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Statistics through the policy cycle Need for careful and rigorous analysis, based on good quality and transparent statistics, throughout the policy cycle Statistics needed to : –Identify issues –Design policies –Forecast the future –Monitor policy implementation –Evaluate policy impact

11 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Developing Countries OECD Countries and Multilaterals Policy makers Statisticians Central Stat. Office, Sector Units, Central Banks, etc. Ministers of Finance, Sector Ministers, etc. Development Agencies, WB, IMF, RDB, etc. OECD Statistics Office Mngers, UN Specialised Agencies; Stat. units in intl orgs Partnership: PARIS21 Constituencies and Linkages

12 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Why now? Greater focus on managing for development results

13 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Advocacy: Currently Available Tools (1) Making the Case: National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Measuring Up to the Measurement Problem by Chris Scott Better Statistics, Better Policies, Better Development Outcomes

14 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Films: (a) Measuring the Change in World Poverty, (b) La Statistique au Service du Développement, and (c) Food and Agricultural Statistics in support of Development Order free copies from Advocacy: Currently Available Tools (2)

15 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Advocacy: Currently Available Tools (3) “Counting Down Poverty” booklet in Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. “HMN and PARIS21 Working Together” booklet. Prototype Country Advocacy Toolkit, based on experiences with assisting Malawi NSO. “Statistical Planning for a Dynamic Development” videoclips produced for African Statistics Day 2006.

16 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 Value of advocacy Increased recognition among policy makers of value of statistics (e.g., Hanoi). Greater awareness among statisticians of new data challenges More strategic plans being produced Washington meeting on “Scaling Up Our Efforts to Help Countries Improve Their Statistical Capacity”

17 ADB Inception Workshop on Statistical Capacity Building in the Asia and Pacific Region: Manila, 15-16 May 2007 In closing… PARIS21 activities have been more intensive in Africa and Latin America… …however 4 recent subregional fora were held throughout Asia in 2005-2006. More intensive working with regional partners (ADB, ESCAP, ASEAN, etc.) A programme of follow-up is being implemented, in which advocacy will play a key role. Asian Statistics Day? Your comments are welcome.

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