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Ausfine Foods are your partner in supply and purchase of meat and dairy products in the international market place.

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Presentation on theme: "Ausfine Foods are your partner in supply and purchase of meat and dairy products in the international market place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ausfine Foods are your partner in supply and purchase of meat and dairy products in the international market place.

2 AUSFINE PHILIPPINES Manila office opened 5 years ago Employs 8 fulltime staff and many more indirectly Gets Ausfine in front of customers more often and makes us better problem solvers AFI Philippines has helped to establish a greater market reach and understanding for suppliers

3 AUSFINE INDONESIA Through a successful experience in Philippines, the time is right to expand the offshore model to other countries. Population, growth, increasing stability Problems for others are challenges and opportunities for Ausfine. While the eyes of the world focus on China, AFI can capitalize on the Indonesian market

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