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A New Paradigm of Hybrid Encryption Scheme Kaoru Kurosawa, Ibaraki Univ. Yvo Desmedt, UCL and FSU.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Paradigm of Hybrid Encryption Scheme Kaoru Kurosawa, Ibaraki Univ. Yvo Desmedt, UCL and FSU."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Paradigm of Hybrid Encryption Scheme Kaoru Kurosawa, Ibaraki Univ. Yvo Desmedt, UCL and FSU

2 Chosen Ciphertext Attack C=E(m) Adversary Decryption Oracle m ?? C i ≠C mimi PKE is “IND-CCA”

3 Cramer-Shoup scheme The 1 st practical IND-CCA PKE in the standard model Based on Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption (’98) Generalized to Projective hash families (’02)

4 Hybrid Encryption Typically, E(m) = (PKE(K), SKE(K, m)) If ElGamal, PKE(K) = (g r, K ・ y r ) More efficiently, PKE part = g r only K = y r

5 Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) The PKE part (PKE(K) or g r ) is formalized as KEM by Shoup CCA-security notion of KEM is also formalized by Shoup

6 CCA security of KEM KEM (=PKE(K) or g r ) Adversary Decryption Oracle K ?? KEM i ≠KEM KiKi KEM is “IND-CCA”

7 Security of Hybrid Encryption IND-CCA KEM + IND-CCA SKE IND-CCA Hybrid Encryption scheme

8 In the standard model Shoup showed IND-CCA KEM (by using Cramer-Shoup PKE) As a result, his hybrid encryption scheme is IND-CCA under the DDH assumption

9 Previously, It has been believed that KEM must be IND-CCA to obtain IND-CCA Hybrid encryption schemes

10 In this paper, We disprove this belief KEM does not have to be IND-CCA

11 Discussion In IND-CCA hybrid encryption, the Dec. oracle returns a message m In IND-CCA KEM, the Dec. oracle returns a key K of SKE, reveals more information than m CCA-security of KEM is too demanding

12 Proposed Hybrid Encryption More efficient than Shoup’s because KEM≠IND-CCA Nevertheless, it is IND-CCA under the DDH assumption in the standard model.

13 The only (conceptual) cost SKE must be ε-rejection secure Pr K (any fixed string is rejected) > 1-ε This property is already satisfied by the SKE which is used in the hybrid construction of Shoup

14 Proposed scheme Public-key Private-key x 1, x 2, y 1, y 2

15 Encryption r ← random u 1 = g 1 r, u 2 = g 2 r, χ= SKE(K, m) where v = c r ・ d rα with α= UOWH(u 1, u 2 ) K = H(v) The ciphertext is (u 1, u 2, χ) KEM

16 Comparison of KEM KEM Invalid-KEM Proposed (u 1, u 2 ) rejected by SKE Shoup (u 1, u 2, v) rejected by v Our KEM ≠IND-CCA and more efficient Our v is used to generate K of SKE

17 Decryption of our scheme For C = (u 1, u 2, χ), compute α = UOWH(u 1, u 2 ), K = H(v) Decrypt χ under the key K by SKE (Invalid C is rejected by ε-rejection security of our SKE)

18 Theorem The proposed hybrid encryption scheme is IND-CCA under the DDH assumption in the standard model if SKE is IND-CCA and ε-rejection secure

19 DDH assumption Let G be a group of a prime order q Then (g 1, g 2, g 1 r, g 2 r ) and (g 1, g 2, g 1 r, g 2 s ) are indistinguishable, where r and s are random

20 Assumption on H If v is uniformly distributed over G, then K = H(v) is uniformly distributed over {0,1} k, where k is the key-size of SKE H(v) can be pseudorandom. (Gennaro and Shoup)

21 One-Time SKE One-Time SKE is enough for hybrid encryption In the Def. of IND-CCA, A has access to Dec. oracle only after being given a challenge ciphertext χ

22 Construction of OT-SKE (Shoup) For a key K = (K 0,K 1,K 2 ), let e = PRBG(K 0 ) + m, tag = AXUH(K 1,e) + K 2 The ciphertext is χ= (e, tag) This scheme is alreadyε-rejection secure Pr K (χ is rejected) > 1-ε because K 2 is random ・ MAC can be used (Gennaro and Shoup)

23 Efficiency Comparison with Shoup’s hybrid encryption Ciphertext is 1 group element shorter Public-key is also 1 group element shorter Private-key is |q|-bits shorter Encryption/Decryption needs 1 exponentiation lesser where we assume H(v) is pseudorandom

24 Generalization Cramer and Shoup introduced ε-universal 2 Projective Universal Hash (PUH) families We define a variant, strongly universal 2 PUH families

25 Strongly universal 2 A private-key (x 1, x 2, y 1, y 2 ) is randomly chosen in such a way that –The public-key is –The freedom is 4 – 2 = 2 –We consider the above probability space

26 (In)Valid KEM We say that (u 1, u 2 ) = (g 1 r, g 2 r ) is valid and (u 1, u 2 ) = (g 1 r, g 2 s ) is invalid

27 Decryption of KEM For (u 1, u 2 ), compute K = H(v), with α = UOWH(u 1, u 2 ) Consider F such that F(u 1, u 2 ) = v

28 Requirement on F If (u 1, u 2 ) is valid, v is uniquely determined by the pk If (u 1, u 2 ) and (u 1 ’, u 2 ’) are both invalid, v and v’ are independently random We say F is Strongly universal 2 Our F is Strongly universal 2 since Freedom=2.

29 Generalized Hybrid Encryption Our hybrid encryption scheme can be generalized to strongly universal 2 PUH families Concrete schemes can be based on –Quadratic Residuosity assumption –Paillier’s Decision Composite Residuosity assumption

30 Security proof Adversary is given a challenge ciphertext (u 1, u 2, χ(m)) Replace (u 1, u 2 ) by invalid (u 1 ’, u 2 ’) and χ(m) by χ’ = SKE(random K’, m) (u 1, u 2, χ) ~ (u 1 ’, u 2 ’, χ’) from DDH assump. and strongly universal 2

31 Chosen Ciphertext Attack (u 1 ’, u 2 ’, χ’) Adversary Decryption Oracle m ?? (u 1, u 2,χ) i mimi

32 Dec. query (u 1, u 2, χ) i (Type 1) Valid (Type 2) Invalid and (u 1, u 2 ) i = (u 1 ’, u 2 ’) (Type 3) Invalid and (u 1, u 2 ) i ≠ (u 1 ’, u 2 ’)

33 In Type 3 query K i = H(v i ) is random because v’ and v_i are independently random from strongly universal_2 Since K i is random, χ i is reject by SKE with high prob. because our SKE is ε-rejection secure

34 In Type 2 query (u 1, u 2 ) i = (u 1 ’, u 2 ’) In this case, χ i is decrypted by the same K’ that is used in the challenge ciphertext E’

35 To summarize, Type 3 query is rejected Type 2 query is decrypted by K’ Type 1 (valid) query is decrypted in the normal way Consequently, the CCA-attack is reduced to a CCA-attack on SKE as follows

36 CCA attack on SKE χ’ = SKE(K’, m) Adversary Decryption Oracle m ?? χ i = SKE(K’, m i ) mimi

37 Finally, Our SKE is CCA-secure Our hybrid encryption scheme is CCA-secure Q.E.D.

38 Summary KEM does not have to be IND-CCA Our hybrid encryption scheme is more efficient than Shoup’s Can be generalized to PUH families Our schemes are IND-CCA in the standard model

39 Open problem Can we formalize a weaker condition on KEM than IND-CCA? It seems impossible because the security of KEM and that of SKE are intertwined (as in our scheme)

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