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For Higher Graphic Communication

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1 For Higher Graphic Communication
Autodesk Inventor For Higher Graphic Communication Using “Loft” and “Sweep” Thermos Mug Portlethen Academy Department of Design and Technology

2 Start a new standard.ipt and sketch a hexagon using the polygon tool
Ensure that the top and bottom edges are horizontal Use “General Dimension” To set the distance across the corners to 60mm Right click and select “Finish the sketch” Also ensure that the centre point of the hexagon is on the origin

3 Using the origin in the Model toolbar, switch on the XY Plane
Select “Work Plane”, click and drag a new Work Plane up from the blue XY Plane on the hexagon. Set the Offset to 150 and click on the green tick to create the new Work Plane

4 Right click on the new Work Plane and select “New Sketch”
Select “Look At” and click on the edge of the Work Plane’ to change the view to a plan view. Sketch a “Centre Point Circle”. Ensure that the centre point is the same as the hexagon. Dimension the circle to 90mm

5 “Finish the Sketch” and change the view to something like that shown below
Select the “Loft” tool Do not change any setting in the loft window Click on the circle and the hexagon in turn and the preview above should appear.

6 Select “OK” and it will create the 3D part
(like that shown below) In the “Model toolbar, right click on Work Plane 1. Click on the visibility Option to switch it off The Work Plane will Disappear from the top surface “Save as” Thermos Mug

7 Select “Shell” Change the Thickness to 6mm Select “Remove Faces” and click on the top Surface. Click OK and the mug Be hollowed out.

8 From the materials “Pull-Down”
Select – Metal Steel (Polished) The basic body section of The Mug is now finished. Save it.

9 Create a cylinder that is
90mm diameter and a thickness of 20mm On the bottom surface create a 78mm diameter circle with the same centre point Extrude it to 12mm Shell it to a thickness of 2mm Shell it to a thickness of 3mm Fillet both edges on the top surface to a size of 1.5mm Change the material to Black “Save As” Thermos Mug Lid

10 Start a new “Standard.ipt”
Draw a horizontal construction line ensure it passes through the origin Draw a 24mm diameter circle Trim the top half away Draw a three point arc with the first and second points at the two ends of the semi circle. Make the height from the construction line to the top of the arc 4mm.

11 Select Fillet Leave the size at the default setting of 2mm Fillet the two corners where the semi circle joins the arc Finish the sketch

12 Rotate using the “ViewCube” to get a 3D view
If you have followed instructions correctly, the plane should pass thought the centre of the first sketch Using the origin in the Model toolbar, switch on the YZ Plane Right click and put a new sketch on this plane

13 Sketch a line – ensure it starts at the origin
Scroll down the 2D Sketch Panel to find the constraints, click on the drop down arrow and select fix Set the vertical height between the two end points to 75 Click on the starting point of the line to ensure that it is fixed to the origin point. Set the horizontal length between the two end points to 20

14 Sketch a horizontal line above and to the left of the top of the first line
Set the dimension to those Shown below Sketch a three point arc joining the two lines together, similar to that shown

15 Fillet the two joints, a radius of 15mm
to smooth out the shape Finish the sketch

16 The first sketch should automatically be selected as the only profile you have
Select Sweep from the part features menu Select the path you created as sketch 2 The preview should appear as shown above. Click OK

17 Change the colour to black
“Save As” Thermos Mug Handle

18 Open a new Standard.iam Place one instance of each of the three components

19 To constrain the handle to the mug a Work Plane will be needed.
To do this the part file “Thermos Mug” must be open to allow it to be altered Select Work Plane Use the Origin to switch on the YZ Plane Click and Drag on the YZ Plane. Set the offset to 40mm, click on the green tick and the new Work Plane will appear. Save the part.

20 Return to the assembly, the new Work Plane should be there
Select “Constraint” Mate the end surface of the handle to the Work Plane Apply

21 For the second constraint, make the bottom of the handle and the bottom of the mug “Flush”
Give them an offset of 30mm Apply For the third and final constraint two additional Work Planes will be needed, one on the mug and one on the handle

22 For the handle put a new Work Plane on the YZ Plane (i. e
For the handle put a new Work Plane on the YZ Plane (i.e. an offset of zero) and save it In the assembly, make the two new Work Planes flush with each other. Apply Save the Assembly For the mug, make Work Plane 2 invisible then put a new Work Plane on the XZ Plane (offset zero) and save it

23 Adding the lid to the mug is much easier.
Select the edge of the lid shown in blue Then select one of the curved edges at the top of the mug Use the Insert constraint Apply

24 Viola, one completed Thermos Mug

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