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The Home Front The U.S. in World War II #4. I. Opportunity and Adjustment n A. Good Changes –1. 6 million women entered workforce boosting the percentage.

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Presentation on theme: "The Home Front The U.S. in World War II #4. I. Opportunity and Adjustment n A. Good Changes –1. 6 million women entered workforce boosting the percentage."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Home Front The U.S. in World War II #4

2 I. Opportunity and Adjustment n A. Good Changes –1. 6 million women entered workforce boosting the percentage to 35%. –2. A million people moved to CA during the war. –3. The GI Bill of Rights provided education, training, and federal loans for veterans.



5 II. Discrimination and Reaction n A. Civil Rights Protests –1. James Farmer founded an interracial organization called the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to combat urban segregation in the North. –2. The Zoot-Suit riot in Los Angeles resulted in violence throughout the city with Mexican-Americans being attacked by mobs.




9 III. Internment of Japanese Americans n A. Japanese Tragedy –1. Japanese in Hawaii were put in internment or confinement. –2. Japanese on the West Coast and sent to relocation centers “prison camps.” –3. The Supreme Court upheld internment in Korematsu v. United States by saying it was a matter of “military necessity” to send the Nisei to the relocation camps. –4. The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) eventually got a $20,000 reparations checK from President George Bush in 1990.





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