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16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 1 American History Between 1620 and 1865 St. Afra Gymnasium English, class 10.

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Presentation on theme: "16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 1 American History Between 1620 and 1865 St. Afra Gymnasium English, class 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 1 American History Between 1620 and 1865 St. Afra Gymnasium English, class 10

2 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 2 Table of Content 1.Introduction 2.Time between 1620 and 1775 3.War of Independence 4.Time between 1783 and 1861 5.Civil War 6.Summary 7.Check up 8.Source

3 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 3 2. Time between 1620 and 1775 1.Mayflower and “Pilgrims” 2.Taxes  “No taxation without representation!” 3.Boston Massacre 4.Boston Tea Party

4 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 4 3. War of Independence (1775 - 1783) American Revolutionary War 1.Reasons Taxes but no representation Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party 2.Duration War in Lexington and Concord 1775 Although the army of the colonists was mostly untrained they did not give up hope Many other battles 1776 Declaration of Independence  British declared war again 1783 British were beaten 3.Results Declaration of Independence (…) Treaty of Paris 1783

5 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 5 4. Time between 1783 and 1861 1.George Washington as first president (1789) 2.Bill of Rights (1791) 3.War against Britain (1812 - 1814) 4.Indian Removal Act (1830) 5.Mexican War (1846)

6 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 6 5. Civil War (1861-1865) 1.Reasons Slavery should be abolished Southern states built Confederate States Union tried to force these states back into the Union Differences produced tensions 2.Duration Battle of Fort Sumter (1861) Battle of Bull Run (1861) New law: “Emancipation Proclamation” (1862) Battle of Vicksburg (1863) Battle of Gettysburg (1863) 3.Results Area around the Mississippi River under control of the Union United States of America  not longer splitted

7 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 7 5. Civil War (1861-1865)

8 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 8 6. Summary 1865 Civil War War of Independence Declaration of Independence G.Washington 1 st President U.S.A. 1775- 1783 177617891861- 1865

9 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 9 7. Check up: Right or wrong? 1.The British had to pay taxes to the colonists between 1764 and 1767. 2.The cause of the Boston Tea Party was a new law regarding the tea – importation. 3.One reason for the War of Independence was the representation of the colonists in the British Parliament. 4.The army of the colonists was mostly trained and had great conditions. 5.Thirteen colonies had to sign the Declaration of Independence. 6.The Bill of Rights should protect the rights of pets. 7.The Indian Removal Act allowed the government to move Native American tribes to sparsely populated land. 8.Differences between the Union and the Confederate States produced excellent relationships. 9.The Union lost some battles until 1862. 10.The USA is a seperated state since 1865.

10 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 10 7. Sources Mrs. Schneider, my previous English teacher: working sheets, class 10, Gymnasium Luisenstift Radebeul BigCountry, Amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg (12.01.2006)

11 16 th January 2006American History 1620 - 1865Page 11 The End

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