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Technical Drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Primitive notions of geometric space. Base techniques of drawing. TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project „Preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Primitive notions of geometric space. Base techniques of drawing. TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project „Preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Primitive notions of geometric space. Base techniques of drawing. TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project „Preparation of the concerned sectors for educational and R&D activities related to the Hungarian ELI project” Dr. Zsolt István Benkő

2 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 The primitive notions of geometric space are: points, lines, planes. All are undefined terms. The point is the most fundamental object: it has zero dimension (no size), it is represented by a dot and named by a capital letter. P point P

3 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 The line consists of infinitely many points. It is a one dimensional object. It has infinite length but has no width and height. It extends to infinitely far in two opposite directions. It is named usually by a small letter. A line segment may be named by the letters of the two endpoints. A B line e line segment AB e Every two distinct points denote a line and a line segment as well. If a third point fits to the line denoted by two points, then the points are called collinear.

4 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 A plane is an infinite set of points forming a connected flat surface. It extends infinitely far in all directions. It is a two dimensional object: it has infinite length and infinite width but no height. It is represented usually by a four sided figure and named by a capital letter. plane S A plane can be denoted by two intersecting lines or by a line and a non-fitting point or by three not collinear points.

5 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Some tools are needed for drawing : two square rulers (preferably a 45 o and a 30 o )

6 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 a pair of compasses a mechanical pencil (0.5 mm) – for the thin line a pencil (B or 2B; blunt) – for the thick line (ideally a pair of corresponding mechanical pencils should be used, e.g. 0.35 mm and 0.7 mm)

7 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines

8 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines

9 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines

10 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines

11 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines

12 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing parallel lines

13 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines

14 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines

15 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines

16 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines

17 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines

18 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing perpendicular lines

19 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Of course there are other methods to draw parallel and perpendicular lines. The methods shown previously are accepted in technical drawing and they are fast.

20 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Bisecting a line segment

21 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Bisecting a line segment

22 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Bisecting an angle 

23 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Bisecting an angle  /2

24 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts

25 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts

26 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts

27 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment to N equal parts

28 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment in given ratio

29 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment in given ratio 3 2

30 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Dividing a line segment in given ratio 3 2 3 2

31 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing a 60 o angle.

32 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing a 60 o angle.

33 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 Drawing a 60 o angle. 60 o

34 Technical drawing in Photonics Lesson 2 References 1.Ocskó Gy., Seres F.: Gépipari szakrajz, Skandi-Wald Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2004 2.Lőrincz P., Petrich G.: Ábrázoló geometria, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt., Budapest, 1998 3.Pintér M.: AutoCAD tankönyv és példatár, ComputerBooks, Budapest, 2006

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