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My weltwärts Personal experiences with the new volunteer service of the BMZ.

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Presentation on theme: "My weltwärts Personal experiences with the new volunteer service of the BMZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 My weltwärts Personal experiences with the new volunteer service of the BMZ

2 Let me introduce myself … Well, I mean not exactly… but more or less;-) I want to show you how I came to weltwärts … … and hence give you an example how the procedure could look like That‘s me … Mario, 25 years old Now, let‘s go weltwärts…

3 First step: I informed myself and chose the sending organisation (EO) Therefore, I visited the project market at the weltwärts homepage (www.weltwä and asked myself the following questions:www.weltwä Which country? What kind of project? Does the concerned organsiation go in line with my values?

4 First step: I informed myself and chose the sending organisation (EO) After having collected some information it became clear for me that I wanted to go to India (cultural diversity, huge contrast between rich and poor …) and that I aimed to work with children and youths. To make sure that I would enter the program I applied with different organisations. Finally, I chose the internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste (ijgd) as my sending organisation (

5 Second step: Applying and Surviving the selection procedure Before I could enter the weltwärts programme I had to pass through a selection procedure. That means, first of all, to write a letter of application stating my personal data, qualifications, experiences (abroad, practical), languages skills, project preferences and motivation (in a letter of motivation). Tip: To prepare for the application ask yourself: Why do you want to take part in the weltwaerts program? What is your interest in development issues? What cultural, individual and social problems can arise? How can you solve these problems? Why are you qualified to work one year in a development country? What role can you play during your assignment?

6 Second step: Applying and Surviving the selection procedure To select the volunteers the ijgd makes use of telephone interviews (about half an hour). Based on this information I was allocated to my actual project: Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Programme for the Victims of Tsunami (my third choice). Tip: Do not underestimate telephone interviews. At the ijgd the questions were quite tough;-) They wanted to know my motivation for the program, tried to identify my strengths & weaknesses and tested my language skills.

7 Third step: Attending the first preparatory seminar (VBS I) The VBS I was located in Hemeln (near Hann Münden). The participants came from all over Germany and were mainly assigned to Asian projects. For me the seminar was quite informativ: I was able to clarify organisational questions (visa, vaccination, flight, etc.) and experienced coaching as well as lively discussions about cultural conflicts and mutual expectations. As a highlight we met our mentors from the partner organisation abroad.

8 Fourth step: Attending the second preparatory seminar (VBS II) The VBS II has not started yet. It will be held in April 09.

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