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Welcome! I am very happy to finally meet you all and take over as your teacher. My name is Ms. Sonn. When you enter the room; SSR We will still be copying.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! I am very happy to finally meet you all and take over as your teacher. My name is Ms. Sonn. When you enter the room; SSR We will still be copying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! I am very happy to finally meet you all and take over as your teacher. My name is Ms. Sonn. When you enter the room; SSR We will still be copying the daily agenda and objectives. We will do this after SSR.

2 Welcome to Ms. Sonn’s Sophomore English Class! 4/4/2012 Agenda: (Copy on a Piece of Paper until you get your RLN back) Welcome! SSR Agenda / Objectives Review: Expectations and Procedures Question Game! Friendly Letter : How I’ve Changed this Year Objectives: I will… (Your Objectives still go in the back of your RLN; Of course, this is true when your RLNs are returned to you). -Introduce myself to Ms. Sonn. -Develop Life-Long Reading Habits. -Review classroom expectations and procedures. -View new classroom webpage: - Reflect on how I have changed as an individual since September. HW: Finish Composing First Draft of Letter Explore Website Please copy your new classroom webpage address down in a SAFE place, where you can ALWAYS access it (Tips: Homework planner, Write it down now and save later in your cell phone, ect.)

3 Warm-up 1. Refer to your classroom code posted on the wall. 2. Reread the norms you established in the beginning of the year. 3. Pick one of your norms. Describe your norm in the best words you can. Describe what this norm looks like in action (Think about what you do to maintain this norm). Share your response with the person next to you 2 minutes. Class Discussion: Lets just review what all of these may look like in action. I will hold you to the same expectations that Mrs. Greblo holds you too.

4 Question / Name Game You already know your classmates; however, I do not. You may not know everything about your classmates; I recommend you use this opportunity to learn as much about them and myself as possible. 1.You will get a blank Index Card. 2.Write one “getting to know you” question on the card. DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE CARD EX: What is your favorite happy time music? What is your favorite Season? What is your favorite food? How do you feel about ________? Or _____________? What is your take on ____________? What are your favorite sports? Ect. 3. Once you have your question recorded, deposit your question into the basket on the green stool. 4. When we all are done, I will redistribute the questions randomly. 5. We will circulate around the room to each individual. When it is your turn, please state your name, one adjective to describe yourself, the question you received, and your answer to the question.

5 Changes Letter Do you remember how you composed a letter for Mrs. Greblo in the beginning of the year? Today you will be composing a letter reflecting on how you have changed from September until now. Lets look at the criteria for the assignment. This letter will help me get to know you better. Please provide details and feel free to share what you are comfortable sharing. You must respond to all questions.

6 Exit Note: List three unique things about yourself that would help to define your unique self to others (We are all unique!). Now is a good time to record any questions you may have for me concerning the rest of the year or what we will be doing! Please also address anything else I need to know about you as a student to make this a positive learning environment for you?

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