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 Email Etiquette BTT1O: Mrs. Kaschak 1.Email addresses 2.Subject line 3.Starting your email 4.Body of the email (content) 5.Should I introduce myself?

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Presentation on theme: " Email Etiquette BTT1O: Mrs. Kaschak 1.Email addresses 2.Subject line 3.Starting your email 4.Body of the email (content) 5.Should I introduce myself?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Email Etiquette BTT1O: Mrs. Kaschak 1.Email addresses 2.Subject line 3.Starting your email 4.Body of the email (content) 5.Should I introduce myself? 6.Professionalism 7.Layout & Being Concise 8.Signing off 9.How to make a signature 10.Bcc & Cc 11.Final Tips 12.Practice 1

2 Email Addresses 1. Create a professional email for yourself  Consider,,  Not 2. Do not type the recipient’s email until after you have finished writing your email  Why? Sometimes we accidentally send unfinished or unedited messages! Dear Ms. Wasylycia, I am writing this email to norify you that 2

3 Subject Line  Subject should be clear and give recipient an idea of what the email is about  Keep it short/concise so that it can easily be seen in an email inbox  E.g. Absence on April 2, or BTT1O Assignment 3

4 Starting Your Email  Begin emails with a greeting or salutation  Use the recipient’s real name and title (Ms., Mr., Dr.) Examples:  Dear Ms. Frizzel,  Standard, appropriate, formal  Good Morning/Afternoon Mr. Peabody,  More formal  Hi/Hello Selena/Ms. Gomez,  When you are very familiar with the person 4

5 Body of the email 1. Briefly state the purpose for writing the email at the very beginning 2. Provide context for your message so the person knows what you’re talking about. If you are asking a question, cut and paste relevant text (e.g. the part of the assignment or textbook that you don’t understand) 3. Finally, state the desired outcome (what you want) at the end of your message (e.g. an email reply, a possible time to meet to discuss, a recommendation letter etc.) 5

6 Should I introduce myself?  If your email does not make your first name clear, and you do not know the person, it is appropriate to (1) state your name, (2) how you got their information, and then (3) the purpose of your email  Otherwise, it is not necessary 6

7 Professionalism You must convey a professional tone through your emails, and this is demonstrated purely through your words  TRY NOT TO USE CAPITAL LETTERS; IT SEEMS AS IF YOU ARE SHOUTING  Check spelling & grammar—no slang!  No emoticons   Use proper punctuation (limit the use of exclamation marks!)  Stay formal in emails 7

8 Layout & Being Concise Reading off of a screen can be more difficult than reading off of paper.  Use short paragraphs, with spaces between each paragraph to create visual appeal  Keep your emails concise & to the point  Consider using bullet points or numbers when listing items or requests (this makes it easy for the receiver to respond to what you’re saying) 8

9 Signing Off  End your email with an appropriate sign-off, followed by a space and your name below  Thank you,  Sincerely,  Regards, Michelle Obama 9

10 Signature  You may wish to create a “signature” with additional information about yourself that appears automatically at the bottom of your emails  To create one in Gmail, follow this path: Settings icon> Settings> Signature 10

11 Cc & Bcc  The Cc (or carbon copy) field is for people you want to keep informed with the message, but they are not directly involved/they do not need to act or reply to the message  E.g. You’re inviting a bunch of friends over through email, and you Cc your parents so they know the details  The Bcc (Blind carbon copy) field is used when you want people to receive the message, but you want to hide their email address from others (no one sees it!)  This is good when emailing large amounts of people, and it is appropriate to keep their information private 11

12 Final Tips  Reply to emails in a timely manner (within 2 days…but aim for sooner!)  Remember that email isn’t private  Never put anything in an email that you wouldn’t put in a postcard  Private information may be compromised 12

13 What’s wrong with this email? Circle errors & explain why they are incorrect hey, I need help on my paper can i come by your office hours tomorrow thx (Written to a Business Teacher) Subject: question 13

14 What can we learn from this email? Circle and explain what was done well. Dear Ms. Bastille, I have a question about the assignment that is due next Thursday. I am not sure that I understand what is meant by the following instruction: “Write a 10 page paper arguing for or against business as a mandatory subject and provide adequate support for your point of view.” I am not sure what you would consider “adequate” support. May I come by your office tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. to talk to you about my question? Please let me know if that fits into your schedule. If not, I could also come by on Friday after 3:00. Thank you, Lizzie McGuire Subject: Question re: Upcoming Paper 14

15 What can we learn from this good email? Circle and explain what was done well. Dear Dr. Jones, I am a high school student from Canada and I am writing to get some information about your language courses offered in France. I’ve got a few questions: 1. How many hours a week are the courses? 2. What sort of accommodation do you offer? 3. What after school activities are there? Thank you in advance for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Malia 15

16 Your Task  Write an email to a teacher to address the following situation: You are applying for a summer job as a camp counselor and would like a 1 page reference letter from her, and for her to fill out a questionnaire about your leadership abilities.  You will be evaluated based on items #1-8 from slide 1. Bring your email and this PowerPoint to Ms. Kaschak when you are finished. 16

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