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Other Types of Intentional Torts

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1 Other Types of Intentional Torts

2 Defamation of Character
To injure someone’s good name or standing by slander or libel Simply calling someone a liar in the hallway can open one up to being sued Defame: is from Latin: diffamare / “to spread evil reports” Are two ways this is done Slander Libel Slander: a defaming oral statement or gesture Libel: defamation in a permanent form, such as written or recorded statements In both cases the words cannot be addressed directly to you but to a third party

3 Defences to Defamation
Truth If the facts are true a case will be thrown out Fair Comment A comment based upon opinion is allowable as long as it is without malice Any improper or ulterior motive for the statement Absolute Privilege Any politician can make statements within the houses of Parliament and avoid prosecution Anyone can make a statement in a courtroom an receive the same immunity Qualified Privilege Teachers and employers enjoy qualified privilege They can write letters of reference and avoid being sued to ensure their honesty in their statements

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