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Lesson # 21 Building an Enriched Vocabulary. Kudos (noun) The honor or acclaim that results from some noteworthy achievement or position.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson # 21 Building an Enriched Vocabulary. Kudos (noun) The honor or acclaim that results from some noteworthy achievement or position."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson # 21 Building an Enriched Vocabulary

2 Kudos (noun) The honor or acclaim that results from some noteworthy achievement or position.

3 Lackadaisical (adj.) Sorely lacking in spirit, energy, or purpose.

4 Legacy (n) Something left to a person in a will; something handed down from the past.

5 Liability (n) A debt or obligation, especially of a financial nature. A hindrance or handicap.

6 Libel (noun & verb) Noun- A public statement or picture that damages a person by falsely defaming his character, motives, or actions. Verb- To slander publicly.

7 Litigation (noun) Legal action; a lawsuit

8 Lucid (adj.) Clear and intelligible to the understanding; mentally competent.

9 Lucrative (adj.) Profitable.

10 Lurk (verb) To sneak; to lie hidden or in wait.

11 Lush (adj.) Plentiful, luxurious, opulent. Over elaborate or overripe.

12 Malapropism (noun) An unconscious and usually silly misuse of a word.

13 Malice (noun) A desire to cause harm or suffering; deep-seated ill will.

14 Mammoth (noun & adj.) Noun- An extinct form of elephant; a giant Adj.- Gigantic

15 Mandatory (adj.) Required, obligatory.

16 Medium (noun) The way by which some goal is achieved or the person through whom it is realized.

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